Khrux @ Khrux Posts 0Comments 459Joined 2 yr. ago
I don't agree with the social commentary the Greeks attached to Aphrodite, Hephaestus and Ares but I do think it's interesting and goes against this headcannon.
Aphrodite was forcednto be in married to Hephaestus, but does not show him and love, instead she's in a long term affair with Ares / is cuckolding Hephaestus.
Looking at Aphrodite, not as 'a woman's love' but love and passion itself, what this relationship is telling us is that we pretend that love is for our crafts, or our creative passions, but really our true love is for conquest and victory. We can't deny out competitive nature, no matter how much we pretend our nature is to create.
Again I don't agree with that belief but it's a great insight into ancient Greek culture and morality.
Yeah sorry we're getting rid of Switzerland and just making it France 2.
Some of my fondest memories and best bonding experiences are from getting horrendously drunk with somebody. I'm not sure if it's safe for dating because you need to trust the other person to be a decent human being while drunk, but most people are.
If it's just the two of you, or you and strangers you'll never meet again, you'll end up with a better bond from this shared experience, because neither person comes off worse than the other if you're both black out.
Also of course it's not a cute idea? The post is clearly humourous.
I always interpreted this as Alex never telling Harriet, but as she knows something was said, it gnaws away at her confidence until she voluntarily steps down.
I've attended a few pro Palestine protests here in the UK and I was so unaware of what I was attending for the first one. I'm in a very liberal city and had previously gone to pride marches and trans pride 'protests' that were effectively demonstrations for fun as it was largely preaching to the choir.
Showing up to the first pro Palestine protest and realising that it's a coordinated effort to block roads and generally financially harm the companies that support Israel made me realise how naive I was being by conflating peaceful demonstrations to drum up support with a coordinated effort to harm the opposition.
Thank you, I've realised that my approach seems a little different from other here, where I try to pick an RPG for an idea that's forming in my head, based on the genre and tone, settling on an RPG that's 80% there but people love the ruleset, then I chop and change it to get close enough to 100%.
This is probably detrimental in a few ways too, as some games like Lancer are unchangable until I'm familiar enough to peel apart the interwoven mechanics and lore, and I'm not going to touch it because I almost never run official settings and adventures, particularly in longform games.
I will shout out both Alice is Missing and For the Queen, which both get worse when they get altered, because their strength comes from their simplicity and then probably ridiculous amount of playtesting.
Any gumshoe game, probably something shorter than Nights Black Agents: The Dracula Dossier. If I set it in my own setting, I'd like to use Bubblegumshoe to do my own telling of "Tomorrow When the War Began" basically what happens if on the summer camping trip after your last school year, your country is invaded. I can't quite tell how good Gumshoe is for homebrew settings however.
My other want is to run a worldbuilding game such as the quiet year, for the queen or microscope, hacked to set up a concise and thematic noir mystery inspired by fiction like Disco Elysium, The City and the City or The Nice Guys, with a rich and vibrant world that the players are invested in as they built it. I'm tempted to hack the bladerunner RPG by Freeleague for the actual police procedural afterwards.
"Wrong community", meanwhile every GM who reads this immediately thinks "Same".
Just looking at Wikipedia the top 50 people are all women and it doesn't have anyone beyond that on the list.
Who I believe is based on a real blizzard employee, so they were cosplaying a real person.
The development of the meta of the meme became adding him to more and more outrageous hiding spots, which isn't really captured on knowyourmeme.
I think this works because it's a surprisingly good hiding spot because he sort of blends in to the aesthetic of the image, but is silly for obvious reasons to anyone who's tried hiding inside a forearm.
Also the fact that he was snuck into images like this makes his appearance come with a sort of "gotcha" moment, a little like recognising Loss or similar memes. The humour is for people who've seen it before, but not for a while, who go "haha mouse... Oh goddammit" when they see it.
This isn't a perfect example but Cormac McCarthy has been my favourite author for years now, and his first major work Suttree was from '79.
My all time favourites novel is Blood Meridian from 1985. If you're familiar with metamodernism, which is basically very modern works that have their cake and eat it when it comes to modernist ideals and postmodern critique, you'd clock that practically every western is either a modernist white hat western or a metamodern "the west is grim and hard, but also fucking cool" western. The only straight postmodern takes on the west that I know of are either Blood Meridian or pieces of work that take direct notes from it, such as the films Dead Man from '95 (except maybe the Oregon Trail video game from. 85'). Blood Meridian otherwise is a fantastic novel which meditates on madness and cruelty, religion and fate, race, war and conquest and so many other themes. It also has one of the best antagonists ever written in Judge Holden, a character who I would have called a direct insert of Satan if not for the fact that his deeds and the novel as a whole are closely inspired by true events. I feel the novel takes inspiration from Apocalypse Now, specifically the '79 film and not Conrad's 1899 novel Heart of Darkness. If you enjoy that film, you're likely to enjoy this book. The opening and closing chapters are fantastic, but I often find myself re-reading chapter 14. It has some of the best prose and monologues of the entire novel, and encompasses in my opinion the main turning point of the novel.
His other legendary work is The Road, a 2006 post-apocalyptic novel. I'll talk on this one less but as our climate crisis grows and our cultural zeitgeist swings more towards this being the critical issue of our time, the novel fantastically paints itself as both a fantastic warning to our 21st century apocalypse and the unresolved 20th century shadow of nuclear winter. Despite this, it hones in on a meditation of parenthood and could be considered solely about that, with other themes of death, trauma, survival and mortality being explored through parenthood. Of course the unsalvageable deatg of the world that make the setting also makes this theme extra tragic. There is an adaptation into a film from 2008 but it isn't anywhere near as potent as the novel and I'd suggest should only be seen in tandem with reading the novel. The prize of this novel has really evolved to fit the novel too. McCarthy is renowned for his punctuation lacking prose, but where Blood Meridian is practically biblical in its dramatic and beautiful prose which juxtaposes the plain and brutal violence, The Road sacrifices no beauty in it's language but is so somber and meanders from mostly terse to so florid, while also always perfectly feels like how the protagonists are seeing their world.
I suspect this is a partner of some kind considering they have access to nudes?
I have no sympathy for the people who are being scammed here, I hope they lose hundreds to it. Making fake porn of somebody else without their consent, particularly that which could be mistaken for real if it were to be seen by others, is awful.
I wish everyone involved in this use of AI a very awful day.
God I love these top 4 responses. I'd say yes myself but you can probably trust yourself on this since your own appearance and wider aesthetic will influence this more than if these two items alone work together.
I mean we can basically justify the law keeping faction to act and respond in whatever way suits the story.
Perhaps the police are a mercenary company paid to guard the local clergy, so reporting their misdeeds is moot.
Perhaps as you said it's that the law keepers are an order of paladin's who must uphold their oath of enforcing the law or lose their magical connection.
Perhaps the closest to a guard force up to that point has been the ruling warlord's loyal warriors, and to your party, they're the enemy.
If the party become too over reliant or too wary of the police, have them reform in plot, for better or for worse.
I made them all up except Pitbull who definitely is not this kind of artist it's all good. I'm the same as you I've not heard of any so I was recreating the feeling I had reading the first comment.
Charles has previously lobbied the UK government to decrease funding to known functional treatments in favour of alternative treatments with no scientific backing. I believe he's actually put his money where his mouth is and is sticking to the crackpot treatments for himself so I don't believe he'll have rich people immunity at all. The man is likely going to Steve Jobs his way into the afterlife.
Mad max without mad max but you gotta get the branding.