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Opposing Every War But The Current One, Supporting Civil Rights But Never Right Now
  • "B-but we couldn't have known", "I didn't vote for this so not my fault" they'll say while supposedly living in a democratic country where their vote matters.

    Meanwhile their views on their enemies who aren't "democratic" are more "they deserve everything coming since they haven't overthrown their government/group".

  • Beijing is spending big in order to “de-risk” itself from Australia in a move that could cripple Aussies.
  • The amount of rightwing nutjobs immediately blaming muslims or immigrants after the mass killing on Saturday was sickening. At the same time seeing some liberals blaming those racists on Russian/Chinese troll farms was equally eye opening.

  • The “lesser evil” condemning Iran act of self defense after Israel destroyed their embassy and killed top military officials
  • lol it sounded like Republicans are equally as bloodthirsty for wars in the Middle East and in East Asia, but not with Russia at the moment

  • Can Asian Americans and dissident Chinese students shut F up?
  • It's quite common for likeminded mainland lib students (who are often from affluent backgrounds) to play up being "one of the good ones" to be accepted by their western handlers. They are well known for their double standards lol

  • I gave an American flag a makeover 🥰🥰🥰
  • Pigs are at least intelligent and affectionate

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  • One of the main reasons might be the fact that some of the highest ranked universities are located in the US, UK, Australia etc.

    Competition is quite intense in the mainland and usually a degree from a university from these countries will add some prestige to their resumes (sometimes we refer to those as 'plating it in gold').

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  • Many times liberals and their media/social media within the PRC flare up each time a democrat is elected in the US as they are given funding to spout and spread their bullshit (a term we usually refer to as 'dog food').

    To be honest the environment was much worse a decade or more ago. Imagine being denounced as a pinko by Chinese liberals inside the PRC in the 2010s and prior just for saying a single positive thing about their own country lol.

    Talked to a few of them recently and hearing their fear of the next generation being so "deeply red" was interesting, because they were hoping that everyone would become even more liberal and end up like Japan, full of pretty anime and pop culture while being subservient to the West.

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  • It usually ends up being to defend the right for nazis to have some free speech but oh boy don't allow those dangerous gommies to have a say!

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  • There are plenty of liberals from the PRC, especially from the big liberal cities such as Shanghai. There are still a whole bunch of NED funded media/social media accounts in the mainland in general.

    In my experience meeting such classmates they're not that different from some of the HK/TW international students as they all tow the same line.

  • The capitalist pigs of the West say, "Damn it all, those Chinese folks have saved up far too much! It's time we found a means to impoverish them once more!"
  • When liberals cry about wanting freedom for us, they actually mean the freedom to be deprived of basic necessities and to be enslaved wholesale by western pigs once again

  • A hilarious cope article from The Hill
  • Yeah so many of "the aryan stock is bound to triumph" fucker's quotes could be cited as a Hitler quote and liberals would absolutely believe it.

  • A hilarious cope article from The Hill
  • Check out this one from the Murdoch media lol

  • Inside the shadowy industries profiting off Chinese asylum seekers in the US
  • Many people from the mainland call these people runners (润人) who walk to the US (走线).

    Most liberals in the PRC prefer to stay at home and worship the US, dreaming of a day where they can lead the way for their western masters in an invasion.

    These runners are at least respected for putting money where their mouth is in actually making the trip to their dream homeland. Quite a few end up homeless or struggling, surprised that they can barely scrape by in their new sought after ultra capitalist homeland.

    The worst example of one of these was one who sold his wife and daughters to human traffickers in Cambodia, and now lives as an asylum seeker in the Netherlands. In typical fashion for these types he spends most of his time espousing his superior western values and human rights, all the while his wife and daughters are most likely going through hell right now.

  • Redditors mad at the one time the script is flipped
  • Nowadays to these people just being showing Chinese people being happy is propaganda.

    But what else would one expect from Reddit, where they talk about the Chinese in the same manner that stormfront talks about Jewish people.

  • True , no less than WW3
  • As long as they can continue to live relatively cushy lives, they'll keep having this "fuck you, got mine" attitude while espousing their so called virtues

  • True , no less than WW3
  • Wasn't one of the Ukrainian news outlets called Putin propaganda because they started to report losses? Redditors went full on "I only want to see the positive news" lol

  • Protestor going full mask-off 这是真作死……_哔哩哔哩_bilibili, 视频播放量 38986、弹幕量 34、点赞数 2073、投硬币枚数 18、收藏人数 126、转发人数 129, 视频作者 蜗牛柯基weibo, 作者简介 每日可视化战线动画演示俄乌战场最新动态,相关视频:以色列国防军小姐姐表示要进加沙了,昨日“阿克萨洪水”军事行动开始前一群以色列女兵在军事基地内陷入混乱。她们大部分来不及穿上军装或拿起武器,而是一窝蜂地逃出宿舍躲进掩体,身旁只有个别男兵在保护。,以色列国防部称十秒视频就能让大家看到他们多惨,无语了家人们,都打仗了,以色列女兵还在拍抖音!,果敢同盟军树林里又捡到新式武器,缅军被打的毫无还...

    "Your country is fake" 山猪吃不了细糠_哔哩哔哩_bilibili

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    La Baguette

    Cat/Leopard/Tiger is Germany and the Cock is France

    Bunny is PRC and Big Bear is Russia

    Documentaries Eat_Yo_Vegetables69
    Mechanical Marvels: Clockwork Dreams
    Eat_Yo_Vegetables69 Eat_Yo_Vegetables69


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