Estelle Youssouffa, la députée Liot de Mayotte, a fait part de sa colère, alors que l’annonce du gouvernement devrait avoir lieu ce lundi 23 décembre, jour de deuil national en hommage aux victimes du cyclone Chido. Sur X et au micro de « France Inter », elle dénonce un « scénario de l’indécence et ...
I wish I met 80 owls on the day 😍
Nommer le gouvernement le jour du deuil national, « c’est grave » s’insurge la députée de Mayotte
Actually hangs out with other owls
grumble grumble… these guys… voting out the Long Ear again…
Wait?! When did this happened ??
Guys... Are you for real?
Hard choice!
Do you know how many different minerals and rocks they are in there? She will ask from the whole body set.
Most of people are happy with shiny thing that won't start to look cheap as they wear off. We can't all of us be jeweler after all.
You could convincing her well if enough gold carat. Plenty of ways to waste your money on materialism or invest into your family finance futur (depending how you see it.)
I do live in a faraway country were the sun barely get down some time in the year, and barely up some other. It was once, according to the folk memory a place full of dragons, sirens and other dangerous creatures.
*Most of cultures
French also
I only recently learn the name of that guy and the name of his company.
Maybe half of the USA is dancing but certainly half of the world.
Si il ne viens pas c'est simple : je gagne par forfais 😃
Ugh.... It's hard!
A pot...
A spoon...
A TV...
It's like Jackie Chan stole my mind!
I know that feeling. I have both the layers and heater. But I'm still cold everytime I'm not moving and whenever I move too much, I need to undress to move properly.
It is not a last name but it is not at all uncommun to mention your trade when introducting yourself.