thanks for coming to my rule
thanks for coming to my rule
thanks for coming to my rule
Oh, you guys are thinking small.
Peter Executive (a vassal of Andy CEO). Mary Anesthesiologist. Alice S. Theorist. William Credit Authorizer. James M. Researcher.
The worst part is that, fun as this is, I'm having flashbacks of every time I've said something along the lines of "Matt from HR" and realizing that's how that has always worked.
That's how I always refer to my sysadmin colleagues when talking to others. Chris and Steve Classrooms, Bill Proxmox (née Vmware), and I'm Jack Networks-Linux. Not real names of course.
David Searchengineoptimizer, Mary Marykaycosmeticssales, Oleg Disinformationandpropagandabotprogrammer.
Nobody thought Disinformationandpropagandabotprogrammer would be a good governor of California, but he ended up being more moderate than expected.
Peter Unemployed.
Shameless pluck for "Qualityland" by Mark-Uwe Kling.
General Dragqueen 🫡
Don't forget Martyn Congressman!
Really enjoyed that (audio) book recently. Nothing really new but well told and an easy listen
Look at me, I'm Bobby SitAtMyConputerAllDayAndAgeRapidly
We call him Little Bobby Tables.
Always. XKCD. Always.
Finally an accurate description for Jessica Fullstack Developer.
Does he wear socks?
No. Jessica Fullstack Developer is also opposed to pants (religious requirement).
Just ask Tim Apple how that feels.
one of the podcasts i listen to made a joke about Tim Onion buying Infowars and i am still cracking up over it.
also I'm super upset that someone already took the handle tim_apple on everything😤
It's getting harder to discern reality from satire, but Tim Onion has actually been The Onion's CEO's name* ever since he bought that job. And he is trying to buy InfoWars. (And the company formerly known as Twitter has joined Jones' fight to prevent it.)
*(his bluesky display name, at least)
Hello, I am Bob Bugmaker, your software developer for this project.
I'm Karl Projectmanager, and you're ruining my timelines
Hey guys, I'm Jeremy Queaye. Did you get the dozen similar tickets I posted before lunch? I have a few more...
Imagine being the actual John Gamer.
John Fallout
war doesnt change
Etymology nerd on YouTube has a video on this! It's basically how we put people in our phones now, such as Alex (neighbor) and Alex (work), two names I actually have saved in my phone. They're more based on relationship than occupation now.
Edit: (neighbor) not (phone)
That makes sense considering in the past knowing who your town's baker or other role was mattered. Now a days you don't really know the names of the people you get food and things from so it's shifted now to more relationship based.
Especially, since you may not know their last name if it's a casual relationship.
Dolores del BullshitJob. Or Lola Shitposta.
Ohh no look out, it's Tim Moderator
“Sup, I’m Lance Crypto!”
Dick Doctor Patrick Porn Star Caroline Creator Dan Designer Evan Entertainment Ian Importer Tim Apple
María Tiktoker
John Uberdriver
Sam Gamereviewer
Shorten them and it works
Maria Toker
John Uber
Sam Vèiwer
John Oovoojaver
Kailey Influencer
Influencer isn't a trade name and it will never be, Kailey Advertiser.
Yosef Tuber
Isha Grammer
Fitzgerald Acebook
Starman Astropod
Hi my name is Colin Support
I'd be Jimbo Bomber.
A lot cooler sounding than my real name.
I'm an industrial radiographer and usually called bombers.
Dang it and I was hoping you were What Bombs At Midnight.
Surf's up, space ponies! I'm making gravy without the lumps!
In the case of coppers it would be pretty convenient since they all go by their surname so they would all be, "Officer Pig", "Sergeant Pig", "Inspector Pig", "Detective Pig"
can someone help me make "janitor" sound like a fancy French name pls
L’engienier du’sanitaccion
a bit long but i could make it work
Jaques Concierge?
The Management clan is huge.
And in 2027 there was a mass culling of the Private-Equity clan, when the revolution declared the entire family outlaw and they were hunted to the last junior.
It was ordained that the name of Private-Equity should be altogether abolished, and that the whole persons of that clan should renounce their name and take them some other name, and that they nor none of their posterity should call themselves Private-Equity or Investor under pain of death
Elon Nepobabyoligarchson.
Imagine Tony Head of Sales and Managment
The names Trent, Trent Shippinrecieven.
That's Dr. Theodore Talker. I didn't receive a 2-hour Cambodian doctorate for nothing.
It is not a last name but it is not at all uncommun to mention your trade when introducting yourself.
James Corbett of the Corbett Report has been referring to Johnny Youtuber for years already.
Thanks for a lovely thread. Scrollering and hollering XD