Anon meets a girl at a wedding
Anon meets a girl at a wedding
Anon meets a girl at a wedding
Heh, second cousin is far enough.
Second cousin means cousin second order (grandchild of a sibling of one of your grandparents), right?
banjos quietly play in the background
Softly in the night
Beetles in the firelight
Isn't there some sort of biological thing where you're more likely to be sexually attracted to your relatives if you don't know they're you're relatives
Second degree cousins is not that close though. If every generation has three children, that's 27 persons. I thinks that for most of human history excluding second degree cousins from the acceptable partners pool would have been impossible. Communities were not that big.
All I could find on this is something called "genetic sexual attraction" [1], though Wikipedia contains arguments that it's pseudoscience [1.1]. Here's a Reddit post asking about this. [3].
Related to this, I also came across the "Westermarck effect" [2] which appears to suggest that people who grow up together are less likely to be romantically attracted to each other [2.1].
Yeah, that's weird: genetically similiar people are more attractive (as long as it isn't too similiar)(people in stable relationships often look alike) but bigger genetical difference is better.
Yes, one of the primary components of attraction is familiarity. Also proximity and similarity.
Second cousins is kissing cousins, have at it!
This is how anons are conceived.
A lot of people here are saying that the more genetically similar you are to somebody, the more attractive they are (so long as you don't grow up with them). I'm here to tell you that those guys are completely wrong
Studies have shown that (in other animals unfortunately, not in humans) that the more genetically dissimilar two individuals are, the more attracted they are, so long as they can produce viable offspring (aka they can have kids)
This study would also be done on humans, but that would be slightly morally questionable
This is an evolutionary trait in order to incentivise us to increase the gene pool when possible. You can imagine what would happen if we only rucked our cousins (look at the royals)
Source: am biomed student
Oh man we did the Hapsburgs in my genetics class and it's so fucking gross how closely related those incestuous fucks were. First cousins as closely related on a genetic level as siblings.
Edit: LOOK AT THIS UGLY FUCKER! Even better - these genetic monstrosities still have money.
I'm not comfortable condemning them for their crippling genetic disabilities (except where they perpetuate it), but they did do the majority of leading countries involved in WWI. And not only do these fucks still have money, they fund modern fascist movements and hateful propaganda as well as still being politically influential. The head of the family is an ambassador for the country his family took from superpower to "I could've sworn you were the kangaroo country"
Yeah you often strive for maximum compatible difference. There's no instinct to create a family ladder
If that's true then why do a lot of people only date the same race as them
Eh second cousin marriage isn’t a big deal in some cultures
*Most of cultures
Stop watching porn
This isn’t even kinky, you vanilla bean
Edit. I understand now, thanks.
What is a second cousin? Your cousins cousin? The person your aunt/uncle marrieds niece/nephew? That can't be right, that's not blood. Help! Lol
I find this chart helpful to see family relationships.
Then its not even an issue at all from a genetic standpoint. People might find their relationship weird but their children would turn out healthy.
That is helpful, thanks
My aunt’s kid is my cousin. My cousin’s kid and my kid are second cousins.
It’s essentially finding the most recent common ancestor. My cousins and I share grandparents. Second cousins share great-grandparents, and so on.
“Once removed” and such refers to generational differences. So, my first cousin’s kid is my first cousin once removed, and my kid’s second cousin.
Gotcha. I was thinking across the tree, not down it. Thank you
I'm pretty sure it's the children of your parent's cousins
What is a second cousin?
Someone with whom your most recent common ancestor is a great grandparent to both of you.
Like how a first cousin is someone with whom your most recent common ancestor is a grandparent to both of you (aka you both have a same grandparent but not a same parent - meaning one of each of your parents are siblings with each other).
If the most recent common ancestor isn't the same relation for both of you, then there's probably a "times removed" or one of you is some variety of aunt/uncle to the other.
Thanks for ignoring the edit on my comment.
Your Nan's sisters granddaughter
My not a number?
I used to work with this absolute idiot when I was a kid. He was married to his cousin. But apparently he was such a gross dude, that it was too much for her, so she left him. For his brother. She ended up having a couple kids, one with each brother.
Talk about going out of your way to keep it in the family. Their family tree was tied in a knot.
This is the only one that isn't fake
Oh hey look. The story of how Rudy Giuliani found his wife!
Edit: ex wife, sorry forgot the church didn't condone their boning like they wanted so they had to get a divorce.
Kissin cousins has always been a thing.
Erotic fan-fic at its finest.
Reminds me of the time I fucked my cousin a few times. She moved I now miss her.
Careful anon, that's how you get a Habsburg child
I mean, probably not with a second cousin, unless you do it for hundreds of years. Greater risk of birth defects if you have children over 30.
Second cousins you don't share even blood
Second cousin in my country is a cousin from the part not related to any of my parents of one of my cousins. What is weird of that?
For example, my cousin is one of my father's brother son, then my second cousin has to be (otherwise would be a cousin too) the daughter of the cousin's mother's brother.
If I pick a random girl I would be equally related genetically.
Uh...yeah you do. Just not very much of it
Dude second cousin in my country is a cousin from the part not related to any of my parents of one of my cousins. What is weird of that?
For example, my cousin is one of my father's brother son, then my second cousin has to be (otherwise would be a cousin too) the daughter of the cousin's mother's brother.