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Those still covered with a warranty beware
  • Those who know the secret

  • Trump wants an "American Iron Dome." Experts say that's ridiculous.
  • About time! We in Michigan are tired of the moose raids from Canada. They swim across our half of the lake and eat up our maple syrup.

  • CNN will start locking some articles behind a paywall
  • The site nowadays is 10% news, 90% celebrity colon cleanse reviews. If their main biz is cable news just pretend they don't exist

  • TSMC execs allegedly dismissed Sam Altman as ‘podcasting bro’ — OpenAI CEO made absurd requests for 36 fabs for $7 trillion
  • What does OpenAI need a CEO for anyway? Just let chatGPT run the company if they are so gung-ho about it.

  • Iowa is gonna get ruled
  • Iowa: anything to feel something

  • curved it is
  • katana guy

    realistic medieval sword fighting

  • curved it is
  • I've been watching a japanese sword master on YT demonstrating moves. It's very interesting how they decide when they pull it out which side of the curve they lead with, a choice they make in a split second, and the different attacks each method would have. Even European swords weren't just sharp hammers, they had practical moves and defenses lost in the movies.

  • hmmm
  • The sign right after this one BYOP

  • To Dream the Impossible Dream
  • I would have thought Rush had a whole album devoted to that

  • Trump voter turnout program now largely run by Elon Musk-backed group
  • If Trump wins the 2028 election will be decided by a twitter poll

  • Note.
  • War and Peace now features a radioactive squid and Gundam RX-0 Unicorn

  • Gamer Rule
  • In case you were worried they have an accessory that will channel your farts directly to the face mask. Metadox knows what gamers want.

  • Mercury is dealing with some stuff [Too Much Coffee Man]
  • When this happens to me I just kick the cat out of bed.

  • Trump declines to meet with Zelensky to discuss Ukraine’s ‘victory plan’ against Russia
  • He's a busy man. Got all those women to protect and make decisions for.

  • Pelosi snaps at CNN’s Jake Tapper for mentioning Trump’s smear at Harris
  • Jake Tapper is a fool reading what he was told to. Not a journalist or reporter. CNN has been captured by the right.

  • India rules out joining world’s largest trade deal, accuses China of 'very opaque' trade practices
  • Absolutely incorrect. Their economy was growing in leaps and bounds until the great recession. Even after it has still grown 2-3x ours. The issue is longevity of it and the inability to produce as lucrative a consumer market as the western nations.

  • Last days of summer

    Orion, 19/M, single When he was young he snuck into my engine bay (older wrangler with plenty of space), went all the way to work (1.5hr commute), waited all day (luckily in covered parking), and then popped out when I got home.


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