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  • I don't like Nautilus and always srick with Nemo but the new look of many Gnome apps is really nice!

  • Been a Gnome user for years and always glad to see them modernize the UI more, but the one thing I desperately want is .stl and/or .3mf thumbnailers to just work with Nautilus. Tried several times to set up in Fedora using f3d, but instead just get blurry question mark thumbnails

  • Wow, revolutionary.

    • I kind of agree, it's nothing special, but the new window management they talked about sounds exciting actually. But thats far in the future.

  • Gotta keep up with Apple you know ahah

    Only if they could copy the original Exposé from macOS Tiger.

    • I just want someone to finally copy column view from Finder. I know Ranger has it but it would be nice if Nautilus or Dolphin would implement it.