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Pop!_OS 24.04 and new COSMIC desktop hit alpha • The Register
  • Navigation within a single workspace is pretty much the same as in Sway/i3.

    I don't remember how it's done in Sway/i3. If you have two monitors side by side, moving the focus from the left most window on the right monitor to the left, moves the focus to the left monitor.

    A major difference is the workspace design. In Cosmic, there's currently a single set of workspaces for each monitor. In Sway there's one set shared between all monitors.

    The workspaces can be either horizontal or vertical, which is useful depending on how you configure a multi monitor setup. This is because with vertical workspaces, moving down from the bottom window moves the focus to the next workspace (and vice versa).

    In my case with two monitors side by side, this is awesome, because moving the focus feels like moving naturally on a single giant plane. E.g. moving down moves to the next workspace, then moving to the left moves to the left monitor, where I could move up to the workspace above etc.

    It's difficult to explain for me, so I recommend giving it a try (or maybe wait a while, depending on your needs, e.g. there's no VRR, no window rules etc. Also, currently monitors have to be aligned at the top edge to be recognised as side by side. If they aren't, moving between monitors and workspaces doesn't behave right.).

  • Pop!_OS 24.04 and new COSMIC desktop hit alpha • The Register
  • I like the Cosmic tiling better than Sway, because it tiles through the long edge by default.

    I.e. If I just two windows after each other, Sway will tile them as two equal columns. If I open another window, it'll add another column, while making each column the same size.

    Cosmic also creates two equal columns with two windows, but the next window tiles the focused column horizontally.
    With three windows this means half the screen is a single window, the other half is two windows taking up a quarter of the screen. Obviously if you instead focus another window, it'll be tiled instead.

    This is basically the same behaviour as the autotiling script for Sway/i3, but it works reliably (I've always had issues with those scripts).

  • COSMIC Alpha 2 Released System76 Blog

    Official System76 Blog

    System76 Blog

    cross-posted from:

    > > COSMIC’s Alpha 2 release builds upon that work with functionality built out for Files, additional Settings pages, considerable infrastructure work for screen reader support+, and some highly requested window management features. System76 is ecstatic at the level of excitement and collaboration so far with alpha testers and early app & applet developers, and we look forward to seeing what comes from these new additions. > > ... > > > The second COSMIC alpha will be released on September 26th. Those participating in Alpha 1 on Pop!_OS can simply update through the COSMIC App Store to transition. This alpha will be followed by monthly alpha releases until all core features have been built out. > > More coverage: > > - COSMIC DE Alpha 2 Released, This is What’s New > > - COSMIC Alpha 2 Released with Bluetooth Settings, Much-Improved File Manager > > - Cosmic Desktop Alpha 2: BIG PROGRESS for a month of work!

    2024 Self-Host User Survey 2024 Self-Host User Survey

    An annual survey for measuring self-hosting behaviors and preferences across various topics

    2024 Self-Host User Survey
    2024 Self-Host User Survey 2024 Self-Host User Survey

    An annual survey for measuring self-hosting behaviors and preferences across various topics

    2024 Self-Host User Survey
    2024 Self-Host User Survey
  • Make sure to not refresh the page, else it seems like all progress is lost.
    I found out simultaneously that I enabled pull down to refresh the page in Firefox Android.

    Edit: The survey wasn't created by me, I just shared it.

  • 2024 Self-Host User Survey 2024 Self-Host User Survey

    An annual survey for measuring self-hosting behaviors and preferences across various topics

    2024 Self-Host User Survey
    Messed up folder structure for arrs
  • fclones is fast and supports hardlinking/softlinking of duplicates instead of removing them.

    I've used it successfully to deduplicate my documents folder (and "archive").

    As its quite the amount of data, I recommend using the --cache option to make subsequent runs way faster, if you want to dial in the options. This directory can be deleted at any point and isn't necessary.

  • Network Switch
  • There's different types of relay, including exit relays, which are the legally problematic type. Middle, guard, and bridge relays don't face the same issues with law enforcement and IP blocking.

  • Durchschnittlich 8 Tote und 1 004 Verletzte pro Tag im Straßenverkehr im Jahr 2023
  • Wenn wir von einer Geschwindigkeit von 150km/h ausgehen, wäre das ein Bremsweg von ungefähr (150 / 10) * (150 /10) = 225m.

    Wenn jedes Kind ungefähr 30cm Platz braucht, wären das 218m an Kindern.

    In dem Fall sind es sehr kleine Kinder, da sie durch den Aufprall das Auto nicht ausbremsen.

    Mit der Dreifachen Geschwindigkeit an einem "Achtung Schulkinder"-Schild vorbeizufahren, ist doch noch im Rahmen.

  • Bundesregierung beschließt die Liberalisierung von Nutzhanf
  • Ausnahme ist der Anbau von mehr als drei Pflanzen, der weiterhin Landwirten vorbehalten bleiben soll.

    Werden Sorten aus dem Gemeinsamen Sortenkatalog von Personen angebaut, die nicht ein Unternehmen der Landwirtschaft sind, so stellt dies nicht den Anbau von Nutzhanf [...] dar und fällt damit unter den Begriff des Anbaus von Cannabis im Sinne [...] [des] KCanG.

    D.h. beim privaten Anbau zählt CBD-Weed weiterhin zu den max. drei erlaubten Pflanzen, inklusive Schutzmaßnahmen vor Kindern etc.

    Außerdem bleiben Nutzhanfextrakte mit mehr als 0,3% THC verboten, d.h. es gibt (zum Glück) kein Schlupfloch für Delta-8-THC o.ä.

    Ich glaube, der Besitz von THC-armen Blütrn ist damit erlaubt, und sollte nicht zu den 50g dazuzählen - außer, es wird gerade privat angebaut. Was passiert, wenn die Polizei bei einem in der Tür steht, während man noch getrocknetes, THC-armes, Pflanzenmaterial herumliegen hat, kann ich nicht sagen.

  • Lehrer schlagen Alarm wegen junger AfD-Wähler
  • Der YouTube-Verlauf wird automatisch deaktiviert, wenn du beim Cooki-Banner "Alle ablehnen" auswählst.

    Ansonsten wird nach dem ersten Ansehen von Videos, die Startseite mit Vorschlägen gefüllt.

    Edit: Das ist ein gutes Beispiel für die Nützlichkeit der DSGVO, wenn das Befolgen denn tatsächlich (gerichtlich) eingefordert wird.

  • NVIDIA Publishes Open-Source Linux Driver Code For GPU Virtualization "vGPU" Support - Phoronix
  • Agreed. It seems like Nvidia is under pressure by their commercial customers for better, directly integrated open source drivers.

    There is alot of demand for this kind of simplified virtualization infrastructure in the host side.

  • NVIDIA Publishes Open-Source Linux Driver Code For GPU Virtualization "vGPU" Support - Phoronix
  • It'd be great of this meant SR-IOV for all GPUs, but this seems like it only allows for sharing of a GPU to multiple guests. And even then, with most of the driver being on the GPU this might not help regular consumer GPUs at all (features being disabled in firmware). But I really don't know anything about what this actually means.

  • Foto-Nachruf auf Grüne und FDP: Sie waren Bürgerrechtsparteien
  • Stimmt. Dieses "Sicherheitspaket" hat mir mehr die Augen geöffnet, als die vielen anderen (Fehl-)Entscheidungen dieser Regierung. Bei den Meisten konnte ich einen anderen Sündenbock finden.

    An meiner Wahlentscheidung wird sich trotzdem nichts ändern, weil ich bezweifle, dass eine andere Partei, im Gesamten, näher an meinen Wüschen wäre.

  • Rockstar Games DDoSed Heavily By Players Protesting New AntiCheat Code
  • I disagree with the notion that it's better for the cheaters to have an easier time (and less chance of being detected), but you're right, BattleEye doesn't solve the cheating problem for GTA.

    Rockstar should fix their netcode and run game server on dedicated server, instead of their customers PC's. I'd think decting aimbot isn't the biggest issue, while cheaters are able to break entire lobbies...

    IMO no game should require client side anti cheat except for shooters, where looking through walls and aimbot is actually difficult to detect server side. At least for those is it possible to find valid arguments (except for being lazy).

  • Frog Protocols announced to try and speed up Wayland protocol development
  • tl;dr
    Read the first sentence after each citation ;D

    So Wayland, a protocol, is needing the addition of other protocols?

    Yes. What we know as Wayland is the Wayland core protocol and a few other protocols that are absolutely necessary for desktop use (stable).

    Then there is staging, which is not necessarily implemented by all compositors, e.g. fractional scaling.

    Unstable also exists, which is even easier to get a protocol into (idk the exact requirements, likely the amount of support and explicit dislike by contributors).
    These are often only used by a subset of compositors with e.g. XDG decoration allowing compositors to announce to clients (windows) that they support server side decorations (top bar with close/minimize/maximize buttons). This isn't implemented by Gnome, but most other desktops support it.

    Different desktops also have their own protocols, which are published so that apps targeting those desktops can implement them. Some are also supported by other desktops, if they think they are suitable for them.
    E.g. wlr layer shell makes status bars possible, which are used by basic compositors like Sway or Wayfire. KDE also supports it, even though it was originally created by wlroots.

    Does this make it a Wayland Distro?

    In a way you could say that a compositor is a Wayland distro, as it implements a subset of Wayland protocols.

    In the end this is good, because it allows for rapid development and discontinuation of protocols. E.g. if a better protocol comes around, both protocols can be supported at the discretion of every compositor.

    The goal was to solve the problem of X11, where Xorg still has to support drawing UI by itself, even though no program or toolkit uses it anymore (the 80s were very different). The Wayland core is so minimal there shouldn't be any issue with using it for a very long time.

    Also, Wayland was developed by people with the goal to use it in automotive and other industry applications, where basic desktop functionalities, like multiple windows or session lock, aren't useful.

  • Mozilla’s brand update gives its old T-Rex logo a fresh new look
  • I like the Moz://a branding, altough most people wouldn't get it, so it makes sense to switch to correct spelling.

    Whether the T-Rex is the coreect choice, is another question. I do like that it feels more creative than the basic, reduced logos of today.

    Edit: I do like the new Logo. It looks good and it does match its "activist spirit". Mozilla the corporation is different from the foundation, and I do believe, that Mozilla is closer to its roots than all other browser vendors - including the reskins of Chromium.

  • Frog Protocols announced to try and speed up Wayland protocol development Frog Protocols announced to try and speed up Wayland protocol development

    One day, Wayland will truly take over the Linux world, but it's not quite there yet with plenty still using X11 due to various problems some of which the new Frog Protocols aim to solve.

    Frog Protocols announced to try and speed up Wayland protocol development

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