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  • Christianity is a cancer that must be excised from the world

    • What's fascinating to me is that Christians don't even like the tenets of Christianity.

      "Well the rich are virtuous and the poor are evil, but this book says I need to pretend like the opposite is true to get enough good boy points to get into heaven."

      • I gotta say I’m getting real tired of this hippie commie Jesus shit.

        Are we talking about the Jesus who said "Whatever you do to the least of your brothers and sisters, so you do unto me" [Matthew 25:41-45], or the one who said "To those who have much, much will be given, and from those who have little, even what little they have will be taken" [Matthew 25:29]?

        Are we talking about the Jesus who said "Sell all you have and give the money to the poor" [Matthew 19:21], or about the Jesus who said "You will always have poor people, so don't waste money on them that could be used to glorify me instead" [Matthew 26:8-11]?

        Did he say "Love your neighbour as yourself" [Matthew 22:39], or did he say "I have come to set father against son and mother against daughter! Anyone who does not hate his family is not worthy of me!" [Matthew 10:34-37]?

        I have never understood the desire to run defense for Christianity. You can talk about liberation theology day and night but I’m not just gonna forget that the book wants people like me dead while supposed allies go “that wasn’t real Christianity”

        I know you have to work with Christians but I’m not just gonna ignore the basic tenets and go “I can fix him” but with organized religion