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Bulletins and News Discussion from September 23rd to September 29th, 2024 - The War In The North
  • I’m still waiting for liberals to provide me with a satisfactory explanation for why I should feel an ounce of sympathy for these rabidly racist genocidal fascists

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    Bulletins and News Discussion from September 23rd to September 29th, 2024 - The War In The North
  • He booked a very expensive venue to have his sycophants squeal and clap for him

  • Damn.
  • You do not, under any circumstances,

  • Featured
    Bulletins and News Discussion from September 23rd to September 29th, 2024 - The War In The North
  • The Israeli protestors demanded more genocide, and more genocide they got.

  • AJAB (All Judges Are Bastards) TWO YEARS in prison for throwing soup at a painting that's behind glass.
  • When the climate disaster has escalated to that point, they will have already switched to summary executions

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    Bulletins and News Discussion from September 23rd to September 29th, 2024 - The War In The North
  • How long before Amerikkka engineers a shoot down of a passenger plane bound for “Tel Aviv” to blame on Hezbollah and justify troop deployment?

  • Thinking the 'unthinkable': NATO wants Canada and allies to gear up for a conventional war
  • These “high-ranking official tells troops to prepare for major conflict” type articles have been published every day for at least the past 25 years, and to date has yet to amount to anything other than slop for bloodthirsty tabloid readers

  • [Behind the Bastards] Part One: The Inventor of Those 'Troubled Teen' Wilderness Camps Where They Kill Kids
  • They start frothing at the mouth if you suggest that they shouldn’t physically assault their children

  • Eric Adams would never stab an Israeli war criminal to death before hijacking the plane, fake news

  • Featured
    Bulletins and News Discussion from September 23rd to September 29th, 2024 - The War In The North
  • I'm just waiting for some one-word Muskrat-backed Silicon Valley startup called "Dye" or whatever the fuck to pop up trying to sell suicide pods here where you have to sign over your life savings to use it. It's not legal right now but I'm sure once Melon Husk calls Presinald Trunt a very handsome man on ecks he'll sign an executive order legalizing it.

  • Featured
    Bulletins and News Discussion from September 23rd to September 29th, 2024 - The War In The North
  • Sell them? They’ll give it away for free.

  • Featured
    Bulletins and News Discussion from September 23rd to September 29th, 2024 - The War In The North
  • They hate the people so much that they don’t consider them to be human beings

  • Featured
    Bulletins and News Discussion from September 23rd to September 29th, 2024 - The War In The North
  • The news mega is all joever, shut it down. It was fun while it lasted! Hillary Clinton finally defeats Hexbear.


  • Featured
    Bulletins and News Discussion from September 23rd to September 29th, 2024 - The War In The North
  • Israel is on the cusp of ending their state in an apocalyptic war (as soon as they commit forces into Lebanon)

    inshallah May every invader die an agonizing and excruciating, drawn-out death

  • Featured
    Bulletins and News Discussion from September 23rd to September 29th, 2024 - The War In The North
  • Hopefully Hezbollah ends his suffering as swiftly as possible

  • Featured
    Bulletins and News Discussion from September 23rd to September 29th, 2024 - The War In The North
  • Bu-bu-but I thought pissrael had destroyed one million trillion Hezbollah launchers?

  • VILenin family drama

    So due to various reasons I don’t really care if my entire family gets tied to train tracks and run over tomorrow, but I still think it’s blithely comedic

    Now that my dad is entering the Biden stage of his life, my siblings have started to fight over who gets what (By which I mean the shitty furniture in the house; also I got cut off a long time ago lmao !markkks-juggalo)

    Apparently my brother is now demanding “unpaid rent” (at $3000 a month, over 16 years) from my dad because he lived with him and had to deal with the “mental anguish” and “caretaking responsibilities”.

    The kicker is that my dad was always whining year after year about him living in his house and threatening to kick him out time after time (he never did). My brother was always whining about living with the old man too (he has his own house sitting empty that he can move to at any moment). They basically live entirely separately within the house lol.

    It also came out that he was also siphoning money out of dad’s account (in addition to half of the pension that he somehow convinced dad to give him). Now my sister is mad and saying she should get the other half.

    I found out about all of this after he sent me a five figure “invoice” for “caretaking services”

    Currently in San Francisco


    (joking, I’m fine just don’t like the vibe)

    [Local News] Latest news on the erosion of meaning in the English language: speech recognition is now “AI” AI Revolutionizes Fast Food Drive-Thrus to Ensure Accurate Orders

    Are you tired of grabbing lunch at the drive-thru and not having your order right? America's fast food chains are now turning to a high-tech solution: artifi...

    AI Revolutionizes Fast Food Drive-Thrus to Ensure Accurate Orders

    The kicker:

    >The system isn’t purely run on AI. It also relies on human input to help it learn and become more accurate.

    And then

    >And so far it’s getting high marks from employees

    (no employees interviewed or cited)

    >Who call it “Bo-Linda”

    Love to regurgitate company PR material as fact

    Fuck TSA you fucking assholes

    Smurf-ass motherfuckers. You’re not even real cops but you still wear that dumbass badge. Guess this is where all the academy dropouts ended up at. I see you taking your own backpacks straight past the checkpoints you fucking hypocrites. You couldn’t catch a bomb if it landed right on top of you you fucking fucks AAAAAAAAA!!!!! !monke-rage

    My butter knife could be used to take control of the plane? Holy fuck are you fucking listening to yourself? That’s literally my fucking job! Fuck you! And they give fucking butter knives to the business class passengers on the fucking plane, holy fucking shit!!! !guts-rage

    Don’t tell me I’ve been fucking randomed, I can see the green cleared icon reflected in your glasses you lying sack of shit, fuck you! !lenin-rage

    Seven-story building on the Great Highway to house homeless people. Neighbors are pissed

    >Nancy Federico, 77, has lived at her apartment on La Playa Street, behind the motel, for 43 years and has an ocean view. When the building goes up, she won’t be able to see the ocean anymore.

    >“I moved here for that view,” said Federico. “I pay for that view, and then you want to take it away from me and give it to somebody else? How are you going to compensate me? You’ve got to compensate me, or do I have to file a lawsuit?”

    !wall !not-listening!how-compelling-flipped!speech-side-l-1 The lawsuit counter is that way, ma’am. !speech-side-l-2

    NYT: *whispers* but it could’ve been!


    >In the worst-case scenarios that the Biden administration has quietly simulated over the past year or so, Russian hackers working on behalf of Vladimir V. Putin bring down hospital systems across the United States. In others, China’s military hackers trigger chaos, shutting down water systems and electric grids to distract Americans from an invasion of Taiwan.

    Burgerlanders are so important that the seeseepee will make your toilet overflow to distract you from epic Slava Taiwani

    Such a perfect encapsulation of liberal propaganda

    Are liberals capable of criticizing Trump without whining about how their worthless slaver “experiment” is being sullied

    Rhetorical question we all know the answer to

    The liberal lexical field seems to be limited to variations of “our great nation” “our great republic” “ our great democracy” and the titular “Great American ExperimentTM” mixed with incessant whining that their sacred holy saint Founding Fathers (PBUT) would be unhappy (well they would, primarily because black people can vote) (well actually they don’t have time to focus on anything other than the incredible agony of being brutally tortured in the depths of hell for all eternity)

    Nobody combines lying and exonerative voice quite like the worthless cretins at the New York Crimes

    Wow, it sure is weird that this mysterious escalation in violence” just keeps happening out of nowhere!

    >Western diplomats tried to head off a full-fledged war there

    Fuck you

    Atlanta mass shooting triggers bipolar man, who later boards a bus and has a gun pulled on him, ending with him taking the gun, shooting the guy and hijacking the bus.

    Cops scare him off and chase ensues with the cops trying to crash the crowded hostage bus as man bleeds out. Random lady gets broken wrist after her car gets totaled by bus.


    Isn’t it fun how the lib hysteria over campus antisemitism is itself an Islamophobic trope?

    “Those subhuman savages are primed to support Nazi ideology!”

    “The baby killing slur terrorists are doing blood libel!”

    VILenin VILenin [he/him]

    Yes it's me, Vladimir Lenin. :i-was-saying!I-was-saying

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