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  • As a kid I didn't even know where my friends lived. They materialized in the morning at school and then vanished afterwards. I wasn't allowed alone outside until I was a teenager but by then, anywhere worth going was miles away and I didn't have a car so...

    • that sucks. I'm old enough that we just wandered all over the place and as long as we made it back before dinner (that sounds so stereotypical) no one really noticed or cared. And I grew up in a place where there were bears.

      • It's funny because my parents grew up on a ranch and both have stories of like, getting chased by coyotes or maiming themselves on farm equipment or almost-drowning in a ditch. They overcorrected imo but there's also nothing to do in suburbia so I can't blame them

  • Some of my buddies kids are having a real hard time right now and we were talking about this. Doubly so as they're in a real rural area where the traditional passtimes are drinking, driving, getting knocked up, often all at the same time.

  • I was just thinking about how free being a kid was and how much more surveilled and limited kids are now. I don't know how anyone growing up in the US today gets to adulthood without severe mental health issues. At least my friend's kid is growing up a 5-10 minute walk from his elementary, middle, and high schools with no dangerous roads to cross. Hopefully, he does alright.

    • I don't know how anyone growing up in the US today gets to adulthood without severe mental health issues.

      dont worry, the planet is going to enter the cool zone before we're old enough to really experience them

  • When I was a kid all you had to worry about was bears out in the woods. Gen alpha kids need to worry about their neighbor who has a purse in his garage with the door open and an ar-15 on his lap watching his ring camera.

  • I remeber whenI was younger me and my friends at the time would wander the neighborhood and would sneak into the property of this creepy old mansion with a pond in the backyard

    • Me and the other kids in my complex would wander the woods behind our apartments and one time we found a magical wall of cars and old schoolbuses. We climbed it and loitered a bit in the junkyard on the other side. I think we went there twice or maybe three times. We eventually got caught and our parents had to pay for property damage to some moldering cars we had definitely damaged. I think I got grounded for like a month for that one.

      EDIT: I'm pretty sure I still have a half destroyed copy of the 1973 Guinness World Record that I found in a glove box on the first trip in my garage or something. Got you motherfuckers.

  • i dunno if the getting shot thing is an exaggeration, but i feel for today's kids who aint allowed to live their lives out on the world and have to instead be in an increasingly hostile internet. no wonder kids are getting more and more depressed and anxious.

  • When I was a kid, my friends and I would sometimes have huge, hours-long Nerf wars that involved crouching in the bushes throughout our neighborhood with gun-looking objects. Sometimes even parents would join in. Can't imagine anyone running around looking sketchy with a Nerf gun today without immediately getting domed by either a crazy homeowner or a cop.