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  • An option to view all comments from crossposts when browsing a post. It's annoying how you can see a post that's been crossposted 5 times and wonder where the comments are.

    • Reading some of these is making me really appreciate @ernest.

      We have this one, it's handy. There's a list of crossposts and how many comments each has, you can click to where the acive discussions are.

    • Reports categories based on both the community, the instance of the community + the user to reduce report noise between mod actions and admin actions.
    • Post tags, to label content within a community.
    • Better language support, clearly indicating which ones are allowed when submitting something in the language dropdown, as well as basic language detection support.
    • When the instance is using pictrs, add a section in the user's settings to see all the uploaded pictures in that account, with the ability to delete any of them.
    • Better accessibility / a11y support for uploaded images with alt-text.
    • Support for svg-based emojis
    • For mods, the ability to make a pinned post made by one of the mods editable by other mods, which would be useful for FAQs, etc.
    • The ability to subscribe/follow a specific user, not just communities.
    • Passkeys support as a 2FA method.
    • Some basic builtin automod action, such as blocking known keywords from spammers from being posted, not just showing as removed as when using the slur filter in the admin settings.

    EDIT: Something I just thought of

    • A URI protocol handler to refer to communities, users, post and comments in an instance-independant way (ie: lemmy://u/, lemmy://c/, lemmy://c/ or another syntax that makes more sense. That way you could let the OS redirect the query to the software of your choice, and define your home instance there.

    Now there are some issues to figure out before defining the URI handler, like how to refer to a post or comment that will redirect to the appropriate one on your home instance since post and comment currently have a unique ID on each instance, which makes them hard to directly address without doing some kind of conversion.

  • Sort by two filters at once (top this day, controversial this week, ...)

    Controversial and others are literally useless, its always the same posts

  • Not a technical thing, but...

    Better user interactions. I know not everyone came from reddit, but there are so many reddit-like interactions across Lemmy. I'm talking about not assuming good faith and jumping down people's throats. Low-effort comments (I'm guilty of this, too). The need to always be right and continue arguing for no reason.

    It was tiring to see this on reddit over the years. But it's sad to see how much of that behavior has made its way to Lemmy.

    With federation, however, there's not really a good way to solve this, since each instance, including self-hosted instances, determines their own moderation and "culture." But it would be something I'd like to see improved, even i we each have to do it ourselves.

    On the technical side, absolutely mod tools. It's stunning how bad they are here. And I'm coming from reddit, where tools were poor.

  • On the mobile website when I tap the link into a post, read it and then hit the back button, I often end up on the page before the one I clicked into the link from, so like, I have to scroll to the bottom of the page and hit next and scroll down again to see the same link I originally clicked. Sometimes when this happens the "subscribed/local/all" and "new/hot/controversial" dialogs are reset as well and I've lost my spot in the feed entirely.

    This doesn't emulate the presumed intended functionality of reddit feeds where if you hit back you are at the exact spot in the feed where you clicked the original link.

  • Make an easy way to open new boards so i can finally make my loftcraftian horror board.

  • Search. I want to search the entire Lemmy, not just 'my' instance.

    Failing that: have Lemmy content appear in search engines.

  • A new Heathcliff community setup, to house all Heathcliff or Heathcliff adjacent content.

    I would be so happy ; -)

  • I need avatar builder like Reddit's avatar builder

  • Developers who actually give a shit about what the users want and need.