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Under a toot announcing that firefox now supports CHIPS (Cookies Having Independent Partitioned State)
  • You can embed bits of a website in other websites, that's how 3rd party cookies exist

  • Help me decide if I can switch to Linux, I have some questions
  • No problem, just tell me if you have any other questions

  • Under a toot announcing that firefox now supports CHIPS (Cookies Having Independent Partitioned State)
  • Yes and no, total cookie protection prevents cookies from loading from other sites, CHIPS is a new standard that makes it so that that is impossible* to begin with. (simpifying here but thats the idea)

    *unless the browser allows it

  • Help me decide if I can switch to Linux, I have some questions
  • People here seem to have not answered all your questions, so ill try to here:

    1. Im not a text editor power user so i dont know about the features meself, but vscode or kate seem like what you want, although you can also simply just run Notepad++ through wine.

    2. Looks like you can run Itunes through wine, but i dont use any apple devices so i would not know.

    3. GOG games work great with heroic games launcher, and you can run EA app through wine with lutris.*

    4. perfect. (on some distros you may need to install a drive, but thats a onetime thing)

    5. i use haruna and celluloid, theyre both great.

    6. no clue

    7. there are several batch renamer tools for linux, Krename looks like what you are looking for.

    8. With kde at least, you can make keyboard shortcuts for most everything.

    9. if its not packaged for your distro, you have to compile it. But most apps nowadays are available in flatpak or appimage, so the package segmentation problem is mostly solved. *

    also, very important!!, you should install apps from the app store, it takes care of selecting the best version and updating it and everything, you should avoid installing apps like on windows.

    1. Given you are a power user i would strongly recommend something kde based, kde has the most complete gui configuration out of the big linux de's, and offers many advanced options. Good distros that ship kde include fedora and tuxedoOS*

    Also, you shouldnt try to replicate your windows workflow exactly in linux, that's a recipe for failure, you should try to find better (linux) ways of doing things.

    *i skimmed over details, ask if you want clarification.

  • California's New Law Will Force Storefronts to Disclose That Buyers Don't Actually Own Their Digitally Purchased Media - IGN
  • They just said that because thats what the liscence is non-transferable, it is piss easy to transfer ownership of an account.

    Also dont forget family share

  • California's New Law Will Force Storefronts to Disclose That Buyers Don't Actually Own Their Digitally Purchased Media - IGN
  • Good news is that if more and more places start passing laws making it harder and harder for companies to do that, valve will just start allowing you to own the games for real.

    I say this because valve has always bent like a reed when legislation forces them to make their platform more consumer-friendly

  • Mozilla grants Ente $100k
  • Check out immich too

  • What is something tuat has given you hope for humanity?
  • And most european countries are more than 50% renewable powered

  • Valve Engineer Mike Blumenkrantz Hoping To Accelerate Wayland Protocol Development
  • But it wont, x had to accomodate every desktop's needs, wayland is the way it is specifically so desktop can implement wat they need, and only the common stuff has to be part of the official protocols

  • Smart TVs take snapshots of what you watch multiple times per second
  • Most new tv's are smart tv's by default, yo uave to pay extra for dumbness

  • Are there any occupations you uniquely oppose the existence of?
  • And maintains the monoplies of big pharma

  • COSMIC Alpha 2 Released
  • Good update! I especially like the difficulty settings

  • PSA: Starting today, you'll need a Samsung account to use the Galaxy Store
  • Im aware, but most people think its only on the galaxy store

  • Mozilla launches privacy friendly AI addon called "Orbit"
  • Well, since you copy-pasted, i will likewise share my favorite take on thr situation.

    After reading about the actual feature (more), this seems like an absolutely gigantic non-issue. Like most anti-Mozilla stories end up being.

    The whole thing is an experimental feature intended to replace the current privacy nightmare that is cross-site tracking cookies.

    As-implemented it's a way for advertisers to figure out things like "How many people who went to our site and purchased this product saw this ad we placed on another site?", but done in such a way that neither the website with the ad, nor the website with the product, nor Mozilla itself knows what any one specific user was doing.

    The only thing I looked for but could not find an answer on one way or the other is if Mozilla is making any sort of profit from this system. I would guess no but actually have no idea.

    There are definitely things that can be said about this feature, like "Fuck ad companies, it should be off by default" (my personal take), or "It's a pointless feature that's doomed to failure because it'll never provide ad companies with information as valuable as tracking cookies, so it'll never succeed in its goal to replace tracking cookies" (also my take). But the feature itself has virtually no privacy consequences whatsoever for anybody.

    I'm absolutely convinced there's a coordinated anti-Firefox astroturfing campaign going on lately.

  • Mozilla faces a privacy complaint over Firefox's tracking
  • I genuinely cannot understand why people hate mozilla so much, it boggles the mind.

  • Mozilla launches privacy friendly AI addon called "Orbit"
  • It does not affect you if you use an adblocker, this feature is meant to allow websites to have ad analytics without tracking.

  • PSA: Starting today, you'll need a Samsung account to use the Galaxy Store
  • If you use a samsung phone that's where goodlock is

  • Mozilla hit with privacy complaint over Firefox user tracking
  • It is opt-in if you have an adblocker.

    Also it is anonymised info

  • Windows 11 is getting a new start menu. EDIT: this replaces the "all apps" page by default, not the home screem

    More info about it here:

    I love how microsoft never learns their lessons.

    What's your favorite book that you wouldnt say is a masterpiece?

    Mine is the wings of fire series, it is a "kids" novel (think like warrior cats age range)

    But Tui T sutherland is so good at writing characters and introducing and describing worlds and characters that i reread it every so often. Like, she managed to write a book from the pov of a mind reader and it works.

    Every book is from a different character's pov and each character feels wholly unique.

    The main issue with the series is that the plot is kinda average at best, the characters really carry the story.

    Wording change and clarification for purchasing Immich · Discussion #11313 Wording change and clarification for purchasing Immich · immich-app immich · Discussion #11313

    Hello everybody, Alex here! After the last announcement on a wording change in response to our mishap of using the words licensed and unlicensed, the team and I gave it a long hard thought over the...

    Wording change and clarification for purchasing Immich · immich-app immich · Discussion #11313

    tldr is that you can hide the button that asks for payment and it says "purchase immich" instead of "purchase liscence"

    how can i hide these notifications?

    I still want plasma to report the crash, i just dont want to see it

    Firefox Blisterexe
    About the ads thing in 128



    Right. I'm getting tired of seeing people dump on Firefox and Mozilla about this thing in the release notes:

    Firefox now supports the experimental Privacy Preserving Attribution API, which provides an alternative to user tracking for ad attribution. This experiment is only enabled via origin trial and can be disabled in the new Website Advertising Preferences section in the Privacy and Security settings.

    What is this? And why is it not something to get heated about?

    Attribution is how advertisers know how to pay the right site owner when someone clicks on their ad. It's important for ad-supported sites that clicks get attributed.

    Right now, attribution is basically incompatible with protecting privacy. Advertisers use every method of tracking you can name, and some you can't, to provide accurate attribution.

    The Privacy Preserving Attribution API is an experimental way of informing an advertiser that someone clicked on an ad on a given site without leaking that it was you, specifically, who did that. Specifically, ads using the API ask Firefox to remember that they were seen, on what sites, and to what sites they lead. Then, when the user visits the destination site, the destination site asks Firefox to generate a report and submit it via a separate service that mixes your report with reports from other people and forwards these aggregated reports in large batches. Any traces that might be unique to you are lost in the crowd.

    This is still experimental, being enabled by Mozilla on a site-by-site basis as developers request it. It's not a free-for-all yet, and I can only find one entry on Bugzilla of a site who's requested it.

    Every time i try and update or install a flatpak with discover i get this error.

    both buttons cancel the download, but "proceed" also makes discover freeze, is this a known issue? Also, here's the system info:

    ```Operating System: Fedora Linux 40 KDE Plasma Version: 6.1.1 KDE Frameworks Version: 6.3.0 Qt Version: 6.7.1 Kernel Version: 6.9.6-200.fc40.x86_64 (64-bit) Graphics Platform: Wayland Processors: 8 × Intel® Core™ i3-10105F CPU @ 3.70GHz Memory: 15.5 GiB of RAM Graphics Processor: AMD Radeon RX 6600`

    Steam announces game recording beta. Game Recording Beta

    A new built-in system for creating and sharing your gameplay footage

    Game Recording Beta

    Basically nvidia shadowplay for linux

    Mozilla rolls out first AI features in Firefox Nightly, and theyre actually useful. Choose how you want to navigate the web with Firefox | The Mozilla Blog

    As Mozilla envisions Firefox’s future, we are focused on building a browser that empowers you to choose your own path and gives you the freedom to explor

    Choose how you want to navigate the web with Firefox | The Mozilla Blog

    Tldr: Theyre adding an opt-in alt text generation for blind people and an opt-in ai chat sidebar where you can choose the model used (includes self-hosted ones)

    About the us election



    to be honest it would make me a lot more comfortable if you guys would show a little concern about trump running for president again. Do not inbox me and say you don’t like joe biden omg i already know. but can we show a little concern. about donald trump. being the republican candidate for president. for the third election in a row.


    Also maybe you can focus a little more on how Trump won't stop fucking running and a little less on the incumbent president running for reelection once, which is the natural path that is not at all weird. Like, the fact that it's these same two guys again is Trump's fault, not Biden's. What Biden

    is doing is normal. What Trump is doing is very much not.


    Going to come out here and say this: if you do not vote for Biden, you are voting for Trump. | literally do not care what horde of leftists with the memory span of a goldfish come for me for saying this. A third party vote is no vote. No vote is a vote for Trump. If you care at all about saving democracy in this country long enough to elect someone better than Biden, vote for Biden. Not voting for Biden is a vote for a dictator and a vote for the end of democracy. As bad as things are, we saw they can get so much worse. And | do not want to hear the same people saying not to vote for Biden crying when shit hits the fan if Trump wins.

    If you care about trans people's rights. If you care about abortion rights. If you care about immigrants’ rights. If you care about global warming. Literally any issue under the sun, will be made worse by Trump in every conceivable way imaginable.

    | have a hard time fathoming how people are

    still saying Trump and Biden are the same after everything that has happened. A quick Google

    on Biden's policies on every progressive issue vs Trump will tell you the opposite. Yeah, Biden is a shitty moderate liberal who supports Israel. So

    is literally every single other US president that has ever fucking existed. Voting for a third party candidate will not help Palestine. It will literally only escalate things and make them even worse if Trump wins. In every conceivable way imaginable.

    If you aren't going to vote, then at least have the decency to stop pretending like what you are doing has any remotely positive impact. It does not. There is nothing virtuous or admirable about abstaining (and a third party vote is abstaining). We went through this in 2016. | thought people would have learned by now. But here we are again in 2024. If Trump wins, blood is on your hands and you didn't do even the one easiest thing you could do to stop it from happening.


    The DNC was never going to nominate another primary candidate over the incumbent, the sitting president, who is in charge of the entire Democratic party.

    | don't think the sun shines out of Biden's ass, guys, but please look at the bigger picture here.

    Our presidential election is not ranked choice and is not won by a majority of over 50%. It is a two party system that is won by plurality; whoever gets the biggest slice of votes, even if it's under 50%, is the winner and they take all. First the district, then the state, then the Electoral College. This is why third parties have little influence. This is why voting for them or not at all benefits the opposition. This is why Trump won in 2016.

    A 2024 Trump victory is an not something we as a nation can bear - it's bad for us, and it is unseeakabl bad for Palestine because Trump's a far-right lunatic lacking morals and human compassion.

    Not voting for Biden, third party or abstaining, will split the vote and cause a spoiler in favor

    of Trump. See the 2000 Georee W Bush vs Al Gore election for reference. Take a long look at those razor thin mareins. Al Gore lost Florida

    by 0.009%. Hell, walk down memory lane to the 2016 election. States where Trump won by a margin of 3% or less - Colorado, Florida, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin - would have won Hillary the Electoral College, 316 to 224,

    We cannot fore et Russia's war on Ukraine either. Do you honestly think Trump will want to continue US aid to Ukraine? Really? The

    guy who's all buddy-buddy with Putin and has Russia-supporting followers? He's been vocal about his lack of enthusiasm for supporting Ukraine, and has threatened to hamstring NATO - Ukraine's principal ally - should the situation escalate further.

    Russia is angling towards a return of the Soviet Union's former territory - look at Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova, Georgia (the country). Appeasement is not an option - that's a proven failure. A possible return to the Cold War status quo is horrifying, and there's every reason to believe they won't stop there, setting off a multitude of geopolitical tinder boxes. God above forbid any one of the parties involved sets off a nuclear bomb, tactical or ICBM.

    24,670 notes

    Just deleted my Google account!!!

    I haven't used it much if at all in the past year, but I finally took the last step and deleted it! Sorry if this is low effort I just don't have anyone I know to share it with.

    I deleted windows and installed linux

    Not op but thought this may be interesting

    How to make dualsense controller act like xbox controller

    the tldr is that i have this one game that only likes xbox controllers, and steam input doesnt work to fix it

    What is your favorite main weapon?

    mine is the liberator penetrator, i use stratagems and my heavy weapon for aoe

    Router recommendations? (under 100CAD)

    Looking for a budget router for a home (3 floors, 3000sq feet, 11 devices), because my current router is utter garbage

    (bad range and doesnt support nat loopback, which makes me have to mess with dns far more than necesary, and all the messing around gets wiped out when the router restarts or unplugs itself and my computer caches the external dns server, i hate it so much please i need to get rid of it)

    edit: it only has to cover maybe 1500sq feet, not 3000

    • It needs to be suitable for a small homelab. (ie: 4 ethernet ports and a functional webui)
    • preferably supports openwrt or some other open-source software, and i - would prefer to spend less than 70 CAD.
    • Wifi 6 is uneccesary as most devices in the house dont support it.

    Thank you in advance!

    Blisterexe Blisterexe

    a dude that likes gaming and tech (especially Linux) aro/ace

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    Comments 909