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Hasbro and Wizards of the Coast have "about 40" video game projects in the works

  • 30 mobiles games and 10 GaaS games no doubt.

    • Give the devs credit, there's probably one legitimate competitor to Baldurs Gate in there that'll get 70% through development before Hasbro kills because they need that money to pay for more Pinkertons to threaten to kill some children's card game reviewers

    • Damn. I was excited before entering this post. But you're probably right.

      Thanks buzzkill.


  • I think BG3 was such a hit because a) it released right around the time when D&D has become mainstream and b) it was iterated on for years in Early Access before being fully released.

    I have a feeling that very few of these "40" upcoming games will hit the same chords as BG3.