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  • friend shaped

  • PSA: GoDaddy gated their own API. DDNS users warned
  • GoDaddy can GoFuckThemselves, wondering why my shit was broken until i found out

  • Average CSS
  • It is like fentanyl don't do it

  • I just cited myself.
  • I wish computers could calculate infinity

  • Todd Howard: 'We Don't Need to Rush' Next Fallout Game
  • They do need to refactor their cell framework to support real-time streaming for interiors or cut down the load times to near instantaneous because modern titles do not need to have such long loading times apart from the initial load when the game boots

  • It's beautiful
  • And now it's two clicks to open the property menu in explorer and takes half a second to switch windows

  • Fallout 4 Next-Gen Update Rolling Out Now
  • All my goddamn mods are broken thank you Fodd Ow-ward

  • "I want to live forever in AI"
  • Intellisense commands you to fix your method

  • I've seen people trade zip archives like Yo-Ge-oh cards useing excel as a source control manager so it could be much MUCH worse

  • NSFW Removed Deleted
  • I'm pretty sure I wouldn't eat a fully formed chicken fetus

  • Unused variables
  • I'm not a CS major but why exactly does having a variable or parameter that's not used in C, C# and C++ throw a warning

  • Call of Duty: Vanguard Sold 30 Million Copies, It's Claimed
  • Wait wasn't this game released like 3 years ago

  • Teenagers.
  • Wtf

  • Has this ever happened to you?
  • "Oh I fixed your code because you did it wrong"


    "Hey the application no longer compiles, I re-wrote a huge chunk of your code and now I don't know whats wrong"

  • You
  • Im sorry but -1 is null depending on type so technically you don't exist right now

  • Belong ISP Updating Their Terms, Maybe Dropping Third Party Modem Support And Speed Throttling

    (straight from email)

    • We're adding a term to make sure our customers use equipment that complies with relevant standards.

    • We are adding a right to slow your service if we reasonably believe you’ve breached our Acceptable Use Policy.

    • We're adding more definitions to what we consider ‘unfair, unreasonable or inappropriate use’.

    • If a customer treats our people in an abusive or threatening way, we may end the interaction and – in extreme cases – we may stop offering our service to them altogether.

    Why Did Optus Remove PayPal For PrePaid Recharge?

    If you recharge credit on your prepaid phone you now have to give them your card details because they disabled PayPal from their app.

    dylanTheDeveloper dylanTheDeveloper

    Unreal 4 and 5 expert with 3D art and animation skills

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    Comments 1.1K