i am slowly collecting hexbear emojis to use on my ml account
i am slowly collecting hexbear emojis to use on my ml account
Send me your favourites, this is what i got rn
i am slowly collecting hexbear emojis to use on my ml account
Send me your favourites, this is what i got rn
I’d post more of my faves but I’m on my phone and have a choir concert in 15
dont forget to never stop balling (even if it threatens the communal spirit)
Che could never
Beloved Hexbear, do you have emojis to share with us? You are my secret informant love!
Bro, just get everything straight from the lady herself:
Everything is right there for the taking, that's how I tend to do it if I don't decide to partake in cross-site emoji posting.
No way, i didnt know this existed
Hell yeah
The link can be found in the c/emoji sidebar. It can be worthwhile to read those things.
Girl do be rocking
It's more fun if you encounter them in the wild like Pokemon.
Hmm, maybe if one were to develop a Hexbear emoji Pokedex to mark progress it would be even cooler... Not me though, too lazy.
Those faith gifs are top tier
These ones stand out for me
Thanks comrade, i will be using these
hexbear peekin in
Hell yeah
We have a fine collection of sickos.
a crowd, if you will
As someone who is on Hexbear but uses Eternity instead of the website and therefore don't have access to the emoji database, I also collect emojis and I think these types of posts are super helpful and based. Thank you!
Here is my contribution:
My fav is the anarchist and communist in love and the spray. I dont have them because I'm from the grad. Sorry.
Best emoji ever. I am the bubbles.
The spray being this spray bottle?
Taken together, it makes for a discouragement of romantic left unity:
not many people know this, but ml stands for Mongolian Lacrosse
And it was funny
okay, okay!