True to life
True to life
True to life
”But he’s always so nice to me and my friends and family, who are exclusively white, he’s never racist around them.”
Damn, that's totally what she'd say. Excluding the whiteness part. She hasn't reflected on that.
My mom pretty much had an existential crisis over this when she made a friend at work and her husband turned out to be Trump supporter. And this is in Canada. It makes you wonder where girls like that even find guys like that.
Trump supporters in Canada are especially stupid.
I think German Trump supporters in Germany take the crown:
When you've been conditioned all your life by society (and conservatives) to believe that your primary function is to be a baby factory, and you know you only have a finite amount of time to be a baby factory before you're old and busted and cast aside, you do whatever you can to land someone stable enough to marry, regardless of their politics.
This is going to come as a shock to some folks but people don't need to have the same politics to get along.
My wife is more conservative than me. We don't spend much time talking about politics and avoid being dicks to each other. When elections roll around we go to the polls and I'm sure cancel out each other's votes for a bunch of candidates.
When you and another person believe that there's more to life than politics it's easy to not get hung up on them when it comes to personal relationships. When you or the other person allow politics to dominate your life it isn't.
If these people are in your social circle it says more about you than "average" straight people.
Yeah, what kind of amoral filth still has Republican friends?
These people do exist all over the world, some are parents to users in this thread even!
I don't get the joke.
Neither did I. I may still not understand it. But I googled salon article and found a site with that name that publishes progressive news and opinions. So I guess they are saying a lot of couples are opposite in opinion on these things. They might be joking about the one spouse being oblivious to their partners racism or having double standards or something.
They might be joking about the one spouse being oblivious to their partners racism or having double standards or something.
Pretty much. I personally find it funny because I know one of these couples. It's obviously not 1/3, but they do exist.
The joke is that every 1 out of 3 heterosexual couples features a basic woman and a racist bro.
Sometimes the gal can be racist. My friends tried to hook me up with a cute lady who had an amazing accent. Turns out, she was south-african and very quickly let me know that ending apartheid was a mistake because "some people just can't prepare for modern life".
Noped right the fuck out of setting up that date.
I think the point is that she's a nice person in general and he's a very racist POS.
Hm, ok, I would have never guessed it from her speech bubble.
It's funny because it's soooo true!
In fact in MY suburbs, you see it in FIVE out of every FOUR hetero couples! Now waddaya think of that, huh?
Lotta key parties in your neck of the woods?
That's not the look of a bigot, it's the look of a man who's fed up with low-rent posturing clickbait. The look of someone who got a Salon article entitled What your household's toothpaste preferences say about White Fragility™ that he knows will be paygated or cookienoticed after two seconds' scrolling.
I want you to describe every meme
The Most Racist Man Alive is a metal band 🤘 dude is just wearing their T shirt
Thought it was Bert Kreischer
I want that shirt
Here you go
For some reason I'm reminded of a local house that flies both the Confederate and Pride flags.
They aren't mutually exclusive flags, so I have to wonder if it is one opinion, or many.
Could also be someone flying the flags because they think it's a funny thing to do, entirely unrelated to the political statement.
Which I guess is a political statement in itself.
They aren’t mutually exclusive flags
I wonder how the Confederates would have felt about Pride month.
Most people were not very accepting of "different" people back then, but maybe it was just not talked about. There were a ton of "confirmed bachelors" and plenty of women had "roommates".
People in the North and South were not different. The North had a ton of racists who didn't want to fight and die for "colored people". There was a huge riot in NYC of people who didn't want to be drafted. They killed black people they found for no reason.
itt, people this shitpost is about
It's a meme that hits hard
What even is this? This is theleftcantmeme tier shit.
What even is this?
A shitpost.
You projected politics onto it. Being racist or condemning racism is apolitical. has nothing to do with racism either. It's just a known progressive news website they're referencing to imply they have opposing political views.
Blunt version: straight male bad, conservative = racist
I'm actually kind of curious how you're interpreting this comic though