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Remember That DNA You Gave 23andMe?
  • Mohammed Nguyen it is

  • Trump says he will seek Google's prosecution if he wins election
  • So that the cronies he packed the court with can take his side anyway?

  • Remember That DNA You Gave 23andMe?
  • That's why I changed my legal name to "Marijuana Plant Johnson"

  • LAPD raid goes from bad to farce after gun allegedly sucked onto MRI machine
  • It has personally saved my ass 👍

  • Bizzle's Own. It's good.
  • That's hilarious. There's a Christian rapper who goes by Bizzle, too, and he even holds the trademark. I almost want to get C&D'd, that would be hilarious

  • Bizzle's Own. It's good.
  • I don't know who that is 😎 but I'm going to assume it's a compliment

  • Bizzle's Own. It's good.
  • I wouldn't grow if it was illegal but fortunately in Illinois it is 😎 across the river in Iowa, you go to prison for flakes on your shirt it's insane

  • Bizzle's Own. It's good.
  • Holy shit dude that's a righteous grow 😂

  • Bizzle's Own. It's good.
  • I planted in January so they've been growing for like 8 months. They were originally going to be indoor plants, but I moved in February to a beautiful place on top of a bluff and suddenly had enough privacy to grow outside, so I figured why not. They flowered really early, then revegged. I've been smoking this all year but the previous stuff wasn't this good, real larfy. I don't think I got it in time and harvested partially revegged buds.

    The cycle times in indoor are certainly a pro. I'm beholden to my growing season here, which sucks. This is the first time I haven't had at least one plant growing in probably 5 years. Next year I'm going to start inside in March and plant on 4/20, that way they should only flower once. Fun fact, that's also my wedding anniversary. Mrs Bizzle and I really bonded over our love of the herb and she loves farming with me (unless you work for the government, then I'm the only person that even looks at them).

    I've tried a number of different methods, but ultimately I keep going back to joints or a hand pipe if I really need to slow down. I appreciate the vape scene but I hate having to charge stuff. I always have paper and a lighter.

  • Bizzle's Own. It's good.
  • Thank you 🙏

    I'm also a trash tier shrooms farmer, if you can grow shrooms weed will be easy

  • Bizzle's Own. It's good.

    This is the best weed I've ever grown, hands down. Look at it, for crying out loud. I smoke 10 joints a day, my tolerance is outrageous, and I've got the giggles right now like I was 15 again. It's not even dry all the way, let alone cured, and it's amazing. It tastes good, it's not even harsh.

    If you're on the fence about growing, do it. If you're on the fence about taking the party outside... DO IT. The sun is something like 1300W/m^2, and it's yours for free. You can just bring the sun home with you. Try getting 1300W/m^2 in your tent, you're going to be fighting heat for your whole cycle. Even you hydro guys should be getting in on this, maybe get a less shitty greenhouse than I did though.

    All my compost comes out of my yard and kitchen, and I mostly water with rainwater. I grew this for basically seed cost. If you've been following my grow, you'll know that I didn't do everything right and I had some struggles. I learned a lot this year and I expect next year's harvest to be bigger and bolder.

    I've also never trimmed this well, and I'm never doing it again. Don't say I never did anything for you.

    Aged like Wine
  • Yeah but you probably had a couple extra batteries on hand

  • What if spouses took their partners first name instead of last?
  • I call my wife Mrs Bizzle all the time, she hates it

  • Putin’s much-feared ‘Satan 2’ nuclear missile failed 4 out of 5 tests
  • Has Wagner done anything since Jeka's definitely not suspicious death?

  • What question that you've never seen anyone else ask before interests you the most?
  • Our Planck length reality voxel isn't made up of physical matter; it's much too small. It's basically just quantum field fluctuations. It probably wouldn't interact with the Higgs field either so stacking them together would be impossible.

  • Putin’s much-feared ‘Satan 2’ nuclear missile failed 4 out of 5 tests
  • Second greatest military in the world

    I think they might be second best in Russia by now lmfao

  • Some people thought the aquarium was appropriating AAVE

  • hmmm
  • My mistake

  • hmmm
  • It's not "tear-free" as in it won't make you cry; it's "tear-free" as in it won't knot your hair and tear it when you brush it.

  • Whats something you constantly lose that you wish you could always be able to have without needing to hunt it down repeatedly?
  • I'm a medical marijuana patient and I enjoy the finer things in life, so I got the '22 edition copper Zippo. I love it, and it's my lighter that I always have with me, but it was like $80 and I've lost it a couple times 😅

  • Halloween Ideas?

    I moved into a creepy old house earlier this year, and now I'm super excited to decorate it for Halloween. I'm looking for some Lovecraft inspired Halloween decorations. I was thinking about for instance writing "Cthulu fhtagn" on the wall in fake blood, maybe like a pentagram. But I'm looking for better ideas too. So I figured, where better to ask than here. Bonus points if it's hacked together on a shoestring budget.

    Respectfully yours, Bizzle

    I want to live in here

    One of my plants got damaged in high winds so I chopped it yesterday. I'd give you a Bizzle for scale but I can't fit both of us in the frame 🙄 I'd reckon she's about 5 feet high, though, and I'm about 6 feet, so imagine I'm standing next to it but it's so massive and bushy that you can only see my feet and a few inches of calf. I have tremendous calves, I walk a lot and I never skip leg day, so feel free to let your imagination run wild.

    You may notice the root ball at the top. The reason is, I left it in a plastic nursery pot since January. I know that sucks, but the roots were coming through the holes so densely that I couldn't remove it without damaging them and I got scared. Next year, I'm going to use a paper pot so it breaks down in the soil and I wont have to worry about it. I think that would mitigate a lot of the problems I had.

    My whole house smells like weed, which I think is sweet. Mrs Bizzle, on the other hand, is paranoid as fuck that she's going to smell like it at work (she's a middle school teacher).

    Getting close 🤞

    I don't know what day I'm on because I never pay attention to that sort of thing but this strain goes for 8 weeks so I'm prob going to harvest in early October.

    Coal Plant near Indiana Dunes National Park

    The ranger tells me this plant will get torn down in favor of condos in the coming years, which in my opinion is a tragedy. Not as much of one as still burning coal in Anno Domini 2024, but still a tragedy.

    He also told me a lovely story about how he tased a bunch of hippies just for being naked and high on shrooms. Come to find out, park rangers are still cops and that sucks.

    Pretty cool park though!

    Let's goooooooooooo

    My yard smells like weed lmfao

    I made this burger and fries

    Old school in a deep fryer. On an unrelated note my chest hurts now...

    [OC] Chicago, As Seen From New Buffalo, MI

    Took this last night at sunset. Better pic of Chicago in comments.

    Nice one Bizzle, damn

    It's actually a blessing in disguise that my greenhouse got obliterated because I would be running out of space in there. These are large and in charge. I'm a little nervous I won't have room to hang them.

    This smore is an edible lmfao

    No kids tonight so me and Mrs Bizzle (or Bizelle, as she hates to be called) made some special s'mores! I think they're 25mg a piece.

    This meets the legal definition of "enclosed, locked space"

    After a recent storm demolished my greenhouse, I #BuiltBackBetter with this shitty poultry fence that the previous owner left in my garage. Legally, it's a fence!

    Lmfao well that sucks

    I'm out of compliance now, don't tell the police.

    This is my smoke spot for the weekend

    Finally got a weekend to ourselves so we came here for our honeymoon and it is ah-mazing. Is Michigan the promised land?

    In that fat ass joint is Bizzle's Own Organic Craft Cannabis. It's good, I'm very excited to harvest the rest of my plants in the fall.

    Finally starting to reveg

    I'm going to chop off about two feet from each of them, even out the canopy a little bit, and then brace for the stretch at the end of June. Also my cover crop looks awesome, it gives the whole greenhouse a real Secret Garden vibe. I pulled a lawn chair in here, it's my new favorite smoke spot.

    Outdoor plants are no joke

    Someone was asking me about pests. These have spider mites, they're not super bad but I'm going to spray neem oil anyway. It's not ideal but my ecosystem doesn't have any spider mites predators right now so it's really my only current solution. I'm not interested in non-native predators but if anyone has a line on some Illinois native predatory insects holler at me.

    You can also see how well established my cover crop is! I'm a big fan of cover cropping. Monoculture is literally poison to the Earth, so obviously Bizzle don't play that shit.

    Anyway the big one in the middle is up to my nose 😂 and they're fully flowering which sucks but I'm learning for next year. Nothing I ever do is a failure, it's just some shit I did.

    I got a boat

    I'm naming it Smoke on the Water because obviously I am, but I don't want to smash a champagne bottle because I don't drink. What's something pot related I can do instead?

    What's your go-to munchies snacks?

    We have been eating a lot of ice cream lately when we get our bake on, but that is not ideal. Bonus points for healthy snacks.

    bizzle Bizzle

    Organic weed farmer and sci-fi enthusiast.

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    Comments 756