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Do you donate money? How, why, why not?
  • Reduce meat but don’t be hard on yourself about it, you’re an omnivore and you can care about animals. This is not mutually exclusive it’s just facts. Don’t let out of control vegans try to pull you into shit logic that addresses nothing of real value arguments. Reducing meat intake does a lot against the irresponsible commercial farming, and thank you for the efforts. Feel free to go look after some puppies now and nourish yourself with some proper intake iron every now and again. Acknowledge a life was given for it and dont take advantage of that. Be grateful and conscious about where it’s sourced.

  • Do you donate money? How, why, why not?
  • Lots of wealth hoarders are donating money to avoid taxes. A lot of charities profit from this and aren’t actual charities and it’s all down to syntax of what a charity is.

    And supermarkets that ask you to donate is for their own PR(and why should a money monger benefit from anyone else’s good deed when they have plenty to donate or even pay their staff a living wage instead?)

    So much of life is a layered lie and a scam.

    Just save up your loose change and give it to someone outside the liquor store. At least then you know where the money is going. And it’s possibly the more ethical option.

  • What’s the worst date you’ve ever had, and why was it so awful?
  • Worst date ever: Dude was drunk when I arrived on time. Apparently he arrived at the pub 3 hours earlier to just sit and drink. Claimed to be people watching the whole time.

    He was argumentative, obnoxious and creepy. Even bragged about people he was making uncomfortable in the bar.

    He said he Didn’t have a license to drive… likely because he lost it from drunk driving.

    Anyways I made up an excuse that I had to work early (he insisted to stay and keep drinking) and I left and blocked his contact as soon as I exited the pub.

    On another date the guy I think was homeless and couldn’t afford to go on a date which is not the bad part. We went around town and just went up elevators to look over the city scape. If anything that was a positive for him in that he was being innovative with his situation. The bad part was he was deep into the Rooshv bullshit. he started talking about how clever he was, making sexist comments about men and women and how they should be and making lewd comments about my body.

    As soon as we got to street level from the second building I said I had to go and tried to leave, he clamped a hand around my wrist to stop me but I used a bit of a self defence move to break free and wander into traffic to lose him.

  • Facial disfigurement: 'Restaurant asked me to leave over condition'
  • If you’re trying, the ire isn’t for you. It’s for the shitty parents that feel entitled to not teach their children to behave, don’t feel it’s their job to or act like they are a victim of a life choice and take it out on the child or others. There are plenty of those type out there and I’m sure you don’t want to be lumped in with those ones, you also don’t have to defend them.

  • Facial disfigurement: 'Restaurant asked me to leave over condition'
  • Oddly enough Australia is one of the most accepting countries I’ve been in when it came to PWD. Elevators for every train platform and if one broke they fixed it straight away. They also didn’t exclude lower income people no where near as much as they do in the US, Canada or UK.

    That said, the way they treat women, First Nations and POC or just about anyone who isn’t australian leaves much room for improvement.

  • Humans should lay eggs
  • Ever raise chicks? It’s very informative of what egglaying requires.

    Keep in mind the animals that lay eggs have a type of body that can sit and incubate and often it requires both parents to sit.

    Additionally sit- Incubating this way is super inefficient and means you have to sit in one place to keep a constant temperature as opposed to our current strapped on method which means the child is constantly incubated in an ideal environment leaving the parent free to do things like keep a job to support child/hunt for food.

    It has the best means for survival as you don’t end up leaving your embryo to be snatched or crushed.

    And usually if your holding a child you’re also supplying milk which means the parent only has to look after feeding themselves traditionally while supplying milk which is far more readily available vitamins for the baby.

    If anything you have to be much more dedicated with your time and intention and worry to be an egg layer.

  • I mean, let's not underestimate social phobias, but...
  • This has already happened. Coca Cola refused to change from plastic bottles. Even at the face of being told there was going to be a plastic ban. By countries. Who did talk to everyone, and took a poll and agreed on it.

    And then trump happened.

    The discontinuation of asbestoes and lead in oil was not removed just cuz someone went around and talked to the customers to stop driving cars until the big bad capitalists listened. They removed toxins out of paint for children’s clothing and toys. This was not from going around and just talking to just the customers. DuPont certainly didn’t stop pouring pfoas into the world’s water simply because customers were smart enough to not want it anymore.

    These all required lawyers.

  • I mean, let's not underestimate social phobias, but...
  • Many of the people on the ground are willing to listen and do what they can.

    So let’s talk about it with the capitalists and the only options they put out in order to wreck the environment for $$. The real culprits creating mass production of plastic, unwilling to do anything unless it involves a far more expensive legal case than any one individual who’s willing to take a paper straw could afford.

    Then talk about discomfort.

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