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Trump opens up lead over Biden (40% to 34%) in a rematch many Americans don't want. /world/us/americans-dismayed-by-biden-trump-2024-rematch-reutersipsos-poll-finds-2024-01-25/
  • remember when trump got like two billion dollars in free coverage from the news and everyone was like damn, maybe we shouldn't do that next time

    Well, the news corps are at it again folks. More and more people are saying it. They're gonna meme the big red boy into the white house again

    Two one term fascists fighting over which gets to be the next full term war criminal in chief

  • The nationwide poll of 1,250 U.S. adults showed Trump leading Biden 40% to 34% with the rest unsure or planning to vote for someone else or no one. The poll had a margin of error of three percentage points.


    Seventy percent of respondents - including about half of Democrats - agreed with a statement that Biden should not seek re-election. Fifty-six percent of people responding to the poll said Trump should not run, including about a third of Republicans.


    Three-quarters of poll respondents agreed with a statement that Biden was too old to work in government, while half said the same about Trump, who at 77 would also be among the oldest U.S. leaders ever if returned to the White House. Just over half of Democrats saw Biden as too old while a third of Republicans viewed Trump that way.