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  • The topic: His moral right to have gay sex with them

    So people can change their gender?


    So I can change your sexuality?


    The media can change a person's gender, so I can influence you to be gay

    That's not how that works

    ad hominim

    That's not an ad hominim

    logic fallacy

    How is that a logical fallacy

    Let me suck your dick


    So you admit wokeism is just a trend

    Fuck it just suck me off if it means you will go away

    Another win for logic and reason

  • I'm gonna guess it's a biting satire where the killer captures the male women's studies professor and is like "You think all men should die, but aren't you a man?" and then the professor is like "Damn I am beat by my own logic."

    • You're the global warming professor? Curious, you think humans are bad for the environment yet you live in the environment.

      • You're the 1693 Project professor? You're white and yet you think white people should die. You see, I have no choice but to kill you and you have to be okay with it. It's what you want!

        Then some conservative at an airport reading this is like "yep, that's how this all works. if only my woke children knew this."

  • This brand of Christian literally believes everyone thinks this way. That secretly we all want to kill each other and have only the most threadbare logic keeping us from doing so at any moment. After all, if God won't torture you forever for doing something wrong, how is anything wrong and why would anyone not do the horrible murder torture fantasy these people have in their brain at all times?

    • And even worse: a good number of them believe that Jesus dying for their sins has given them carte blanche to do whatever heinous shit they feel like as long as they go to church on Sunday and "keep Christ in their heart".

  • "Watch as I use Facts and Logic to justify violating one of the 10 foundational commandments bestowed by God to "Western Civilization", to stop the evil Woke's from debasing God and westerncivilization."

  • So, I assume this follows the perspective of the serial killer because how could a philosophical conversation between a serial killer and a professor be relayed to a detective character investigating after the fact; does this mean the author is just like "yeah the serial killer rules". I know that's obvious, but like, jesus christ. So it's just a book about how killing professors is cool then, I guess, no Turn-er about it.