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    • Disco Elysium 10/10 it's art. Finally got around to playing it and it's a masterpiece.
    • Pikmin 4 9/10. Oatchi is a little overpowered but I was addicted to the gameplay loop and dandori.
    • Street Fighter 6 9/10. Fighting games are my weakest genre of games and I've avoided learning them until now and I can say I'm more comfortable with them and now know the basics. So I loved that new experience. I main Cammy classic controls.
    • Armored Core 6 8.5/10. Really fun blowing up mechs and customizing your mech.
    • Judgment, Lost Judgment, Like a Dragon Gaiden all 8/10. Can't get enough of the Yakuza universe.
  • My fave games this year would have to be Guilty Gear Strive, Fallout New Vegas, Lunacid, and a game I just picked up last week called Northern Journey

    • For those who don’t know what Lunacid or Northern Journey are:

      Lunacid is a dungeon crawler in the vein of old Fromsoft games like kings field and shadow tower, the soundtrack is great, the exploration is great, the characters are pretty good, and the graphics are charmingly dated. Would recommend.

      The best way to describe Northern Journey is weird, it’s kind of like a 3D metriodvania, kind of a dungeon crawler, it’s hard to describe. It has both some of the most breathtaking views and horrific and creepy enemy design and behavior. Overall it’s great but I haven’t finished it. Would recommend

  • Tears of the Kingdom is the only new game I've played this year. It's really entertaining, I love the shrine puzzle design this time around, and I'm actually really pleased by the sense of progression that has happened in the overworld.

  • I just finished Alan Wake 2 and I honestly can't stop thinking about it. The style, the narrative, how the whole package comes together - I don't usually play horror games, but I'm so glad I did for this

  • In no particular order

    • sea of stars
    • boneraisers minions
    • mario wonder
    • totk
    • Stray Gods
    • Sable
    • replayed Disco Elysium
    • coffee talk episode 2
    • really enjoyed baldurs gate 3 but I got burned out after act 1, will return to it later
    • Pseudoregalia

    And I have a bunch of games I'm excited to play:

    • journey to the savage planet
    • Pony Island
    • the messenger
    • nobody saves the world
    • tinykin
    • strayed lights
    • spirits abyss (same dev as boneraisers minions)
    • Lunistice
    • before your eyes
    • Venba
    • American Arcadia

    Side note: Humble Bundle and humble publishing has been absolutely killing it this year.

  • My most played game this year was Fallout New Vegas (currently going for 2,49€ on Steam). I installed some mods that made the combat realistic and deadly, which was amazing. It was my favourite playthrough yet. I am pretty sure that this is my pick for The Greatest Video Game of All Time.

    This year I bought my first gaming PC ever. Up until now I needed to have a laptop for college and work so I was unable to run most of the modern AAA games. The first game I played on it was Jedi Fallen Order (2019). It was really good and I had a great time playing it.

    My favourite game that came out this year was Cobalt Core. It's a combination of Slay The Spire and FTL: Faster Than Light. I definitely recommend it to anyone who liked those two games. It has beautiful pixel graphics, great soundtrack, charming characters and very fun gameplay. It's a 10/10 banger in my opinion

  • The only game released in 2023 that I played is Void Stranger, and it was very good but I didn't like the meta-puzzle part of the game (I am too impulsive / inattentive to catch that stuff) so that soured my experience a bit. The actual sokoban puzzles I liked a lot though, as well as the music and story (the ending was meh though).

    Of those that I played this year, my favorite games were:

    Planescape Torment

    Very good narrative and a unique setting AND the party felt like something out of a JRPG instead of something out of a western game which I really liked

    FFXIV: Shadowbringers

    The 5.0 MSQ is a good story about overcoming loss and despair, our near future climate change troubles and class consciousness. The dungeons and trials were really good this time. So far the post-launch patches (I have played 5.1-5.3) were a bit redundant / fanservicey but I enjoyed them.

    Hollow Knight

    Nothing to say that hasn't been said a million times here.

    Xanadu Next

    Japanese Diablo / Zelda fusion RPG with a good story and a great world which is revealed little-by-little as you progress. This isn't a well known game but I wholeheartedly recommend it.

    Astlibra Revision

    The dev is very horny and the game features many instances of problematic sexualization but I can't help but adore the game for the batshit insane time-travel story which somehow makes sense and holds up, the unique combat system and the amazing soundtrack compiled from various royalty free tracks (I discovered Shimajiro through it, who is a great artist). Also, I admire the dev's dedication, he worked on the game for 15 years before releasing it.

    For multiplayer games, I enjoyed playing Guild Wars 2 and Final Fantasy XIV with my girlfriend, and also Deep Rock Galactic and the Calamity mod for Terraria. We also tried Rabbit & Steel's demo, which is a co-op bullet hell roguelike with MMO mechanics (similar to FFXIV) and it was pretty good, so I am looking forward to its release in 2024.


      The story was convoluted and fun, and once I found a build I liked, it was fun to just make it as powerful as possible. I really liked the leveling up system! Reminiscent of the sphere grid in FFX, but only for one person.

  • The Elevator Game with Catgirls

    It's a VN but mostly puzzles. The art style is kinda cool. And I liked the puzzles. Only had to look up one thing in the steam walk through guide. The atmosphere/setting was really dream like.

    I also 100%ed Hatsune Miku Logic Paint S. It was my most played game.

  • El Paso, Elsewhere - think max payne, but you're hunting down your ex girlfriend, Dracula, before she ends the world. Classic slow mo 3rd person shooter gameplay, interesting story, noir as fuck, and overall really enjoyable. ALSO difficulty sliders. Change damage multipliers to positive or negative, healing multipliers, infinite ammo, all that. Great game. Can't recommend it higher.

    BG3 goes without saying.

    Alan Wake 2 was weird as fuck and I loved every moment of it. Currently replaying it through "The Final Draft"

  • I played a lot of Darkest Dungeon 2. In fact, both DD games made up for over 50% of my time on Steam. I guess DD2 is my favorite. It's a joke in my household that I literally only play Darkest Dungeon and maybe 20 minutes of something else.

  • Battlebit Remastered is great for a few reasons

    • The actual gameplay is a fun Battlefield-adjacent core
    • Destruction is meaningfully integrated into almost all maps (except for one where it's disabled)
    • Nice variety of gamemodes (if you play on community servers because all public ones vote Invasion 24/7)
    • You have to accept an agreement at the start of every match that made a bunch of chuds seethe
    • The game very aggressively bans people who violate that (very basic) agreement
    • Bans are shown globally to all users in game and a lot of the time people reacting to "User was banned for sexism/racism" end up saying some unhinged shit and then they get to join the banwave
  • I don't play any new games ever. I played RE2 which was excellent, I played Last of us concurrently with the TV show and now I'm playing Elden ring.

  • BG3, ESO, Going Medieval, Dead by Daylight, and WOW Season of Discovery

    i'm not going to pick anything up from the steam sale tbh, everything i want to check out i'll just pirate. games on my list in no particular order are: black geyser, citizen sleeper, crusader kings 3, grounded, little witch in the woods, stoneshard, horizons gate, kenshi, knights of the chalice 2, and ultima 9.

    the one game i'll probably pick up is tainted grail the fall of avalon. (there's another tainted grail game by the same dev so beware and don't get confused) seems like a dark ass skyrim and looks cool.

    • Haven't heard of Fall of Avalon, it looks like exactly my type of game. I am always modding Skyrim to have more realistic and deadly combat, this sounds like it's going for that vibe. I will definitely be checking it out, thanks for the recc!

  • I really liked The Wandering Village, which I think is from this last year. It didnt do anything particularly wow but i lost so many hours to it, its just really fun and sweet.

  • I really enjoyed Secrets of the Obscure expansion for Guild Wars 2. It's been pretty fun and I'm liking some of the characters in that. Also some of the maps are really nice looking. But it felt like a fresh of breath air? Besides that, Project Zomboid was fun earlier this year with some past friends I had. but my most favorite was probably Signalis, minus the anticommunism. The anticommunism that's present in it is really frustrating. But like I wanted to try it last year but couldn't until this year, and I really enjoyed it, and the game just hits the right notes? also I've also played it in a time where im dealing with my own stuff to like grief, like my mom having passed earlier this year. so like I dunno, I just vibed a lot with that game