Amazon is now automatically playing fullscreen video ads on Fire TV
Amazon is now automatically playing fullscreen video ads on Fire TV

Almost every smart TV platform is, at this point, a billboard for ads with your apps sprinkled in, but where...

Amazon is now automatically playing fullscreen video ads on Fire TV
Almost every smart TV platform is, at this point, a billboard for ads with your apps sprinkled in, but where...
Frog: "Hey, did any of you guys notice the water get a couple degrees hotter?"
Other Frogs: Already boiled alive
Frog with hacked firestick and a pirate subscription: huh?
Frog who downloads media himself and hosts it on his own server: you guys are in water?
It's why I'm struggling really, really hard not to feel to annoyed with the average consumers that still buy this trash instead of supporting less oppressive alternatives.
Like, yeah, people should just be able to buy what they like and not have to concern themselves with the overall market trends they're helping to entrench... But holy shit is it becoming a serious problem. The customers are what drive the direction of the market, but the customers base isn't just tech enthusiasts anymore, it's literally everyone, and they are sleepwalking us all off a god damn cliff. By the time they wake up to start complaining about it, we will already be halfway down.
By the time they wake up to start complaining about it, we will already be halfway down.
They'll be at the "too big to fail" point, where to try to reverse the trend would crash the economy that's based on selling customer privacy and information.
Of course you are. Frogs jump out if the water gets too hot regardless how slowly the temperature is rising.
I left when they started charging $10-11 for whole food deliveries. It used to be included.
They also used to have Amazon fresh and Amazon pantry delivery, but they exited my suburban area, too.
So now Walmart+ gets my money.
The EU seems to be the only major entity actually trying at this point.
God Bless the EU.
I will absolutely employ a 0 tolerance policy on forced ads.
If I have paid for a service to be ad free and you throw me an ad, I won't pay for your service.
Hell, I'll back-charge through my creditor and say I paid for a service that was not delivered.
Careful of backcharging large companies. They'll remove your account from all their services. Looking at you Google.
That product tying is reason #3821 we need to start enforcing anti-trust law again.
You get banned retrospectively too. I got banned from Adsense in 2003 and magically got demonetised from YouTube in 2006.
Stop, I can only get so erect
And that's the exact reason that less and less people are taking credit cards and only taking debit and ACH.
Where do you see businesses accepting debit but not credit cards? I've only ever seen it accepting both or neither (in the case of neither, you have to physically mail in a check or link up ACH information). And the only time I see ACH or physical payment accepted but not debit/credit is with governmental agencies in the US, because credit/debit costs them money to process while ACH/physical money does not.
not really. it's that credit cards usually cost a lot more per transaction in fees to the merchant.
People, or businesses?
For the rare business where it's (unfortunately) standard practice e.g. gyms, I just setup a new (free) checking account with my existing bank.
Other than those rare, and "standarized" cases, they'd have to be critical to my ability to keep breathing for me to even consider using a check, or another payment method linked directly to bank, including a debit transaction that requires my PIN, or ever using my debit card online.
"Wow, I can't believe these fire sticks are so cheap"
Bought an early one. Used it for less than a year.
I still have it. Can they be flashed with Lineage or something?
I'm surprised it wasn't showing ads before. The fire tablets are discounted if they show ads on the lock screen.
A great solution is just to stop buying from Amazon. Like, anything.
Chances are you did survive before Amazon was a thing. It’s possible.
I gave them 1 star and left a bad review for each of the fire tvs...they called me about the revie and then did a roku and throw out your $800 fire is worth it to take the loss for your own sanity
Lol the Roku has far more invasive ads. Get a Chromecast, or best yet, an Nvidia Shield.
You pay the Amazon tax indirectly often enough regardless. Huge chunks of the Internet run on AWS. And if it's not AWS, then it's Google Cloud or Microsoft Azure. Shareholders win again.
As for not buying shitty products, returning them when you realise how shitty they are, cancelling contracts when services turn shitty, etc. Yes, do that.
It's true you can't really control who uses AWS and you'll end up on sites that use it. But it's so easy to not buy anything from Amazon directly or from other stores.
Their shipping services aren't even that good any more from what I hear (I haven't bought from them in years).
It's also a terrible site now. It's nothing but Alibaba crap marked up 700% and counterfeit products.
True dat. Fuck advertising. Fuck capitalism. Stop buying crap. Eat the rich.
Before amazon existed all the companies they killed for their monopoly existed.
I to this day have proudly never bought anything from Amazon (unless you count the one ebay purchase that was shipped from Amazon without my knowledge). However I have run into a couple of products, namely quality name brand USB4 cables (Plugable and Ugreen) that I for the life of me cannot find anywhere but Amazon in Australia.
So yes I have proudly survived without Amazon until very soon. I will try to continue to not use Amazon however with some sellers opting to exclusively sell on Amazon, I feel I am being left with no choice. It seems not enough boycotted Amazon when it mattered to the point that there are an increasing amount of items that are only available through them.
Facebook and Amazon are on my shit list due to their shear contempt for their customers/products and employees.
I would but at that point it would be very difficult to get some of the specialty tools I use. I have a whole catalog and it takes ages to get anything from it. Granted I don't use their fire TV or whatever and so I'm not actually seeing these shitty ads.
Naw, it didn't stop any other company i boycotted, and thinking it does is actually a silly idea to consider if you give it a minute to be in the ol' noggin.
If it did make a difference there'd be a bunch of astroturf campaigns against voting with your wallet, wouldn't there?
The only thing that stops this is something we're not ready for yet.
EDIT: wimps.
It doesn't make a difference unless enough people boycott. The problem is not enough people care enough to actually stop going there to hurt their revenue.
Then there's the problem with the current political division, at least in the US, where if something upsets one side, the other likes to dig in to stick it to them and often winds up giving the boycotted company more money than they'll ever lose.
Experienced this for the first time yesterday. It’s my dad paying for Amazon, and we mutually discovered we couldn’t skip the ad. Asked him, “aren’t you gonna boycott it now?”, and he told me no. “Not too much of an issue”, he said. This is the attitude that enables enshittification.
Fuck that. High seas it is, they can kiss my ass. I will not pay to watch advertisements.
Probably because one ad is like nothing compared to what we used to have to deal with on broadcast TV. Sadly the general public who have only just recently gotten into streaming in the last few years still have those kinds of ad breaks fresh in memory.
I was halfway through reading and thinking that it would be a wholesome ending. I guess not.
You can update the TVs settings to block these new large video ads. However, Amazon is getting more and more intrusive with its ads. I imagine that, similar to the Alexa Shows that I also use, every few weeks they'll tweak the ads, making your previous "disable this" settings no longer applicable. It's technically a new ad type, so they can auto enable it again. Super frustrating.
Largely in response to these new autoplay ads, I replaced my Fire TV with an LG TV. I've got another LG TV from only a few years ago that doesn't really have ads. This one.. does. Damn it. Don't get me wrong, they're much less in-your-face when compared to Amazon's ads. But, damn, does everything just have to be ads now?
For all of Apple’s faults, their Apple TV is pretty decent. A home screen with apps on them; no ads. It’s great
My LG TV updated to show ads in the input selection menu. I was pissed for a few months until someone showed me you can disable them in the settings. Maybe you can disable them on yours?
What setting disables the current ones?
You switched from a system that is currently shitty (Fire TV) but easily replaceable (just an HDMI addon) to a system that is currently less shitty (LG TV) but now you are firmly locked in into the LG eco system.
As bad as FireTV currently is, at least you can easily ditch it. Just pull the plug and buy another brand of TV stick.
If you keep relying on your smart TV apps then you will have to endure the slow shittyfication for years to come.
Currently using a Roku Streambar for all of our streaming needs but if they pull this crap, everything we consume will be downloaded, served on my Plex server and streamed using the gaming PC I have under our TV.
Getting beyond sick of these companies using every measure and device they can to shit ads into our eyes.
My Roku is pie holed, I don't Even get the main screen ads anymore.
Its sad so many people seem to lack pattern recognition and don't appreciate that Plex is no different than any of these companies, they're just not as far along on the enshitification cycle.
They're for-profit, providing a "free" service. They will fuck you and the platform. It's not an if, it's a when. They're already moving in that direction. They've made many decisions in recent years that are very obviously stepped in trying warp the product into something more profitable. That will not stop, it only gets worse.
Why not get started on the move to Jellyfin now? You will have to in a few years to avoid bullshit, I promise you.
That's this weekends project, moving to Jellyfin with all the discover together fuckery they're pulling. Fuck Plex.
What OS are you using for the gaming pc under your TV? Wanted to do something alike but don’t know what would be the best OS for something like that
My HTPC is on windows 11, set to auto log-in and launch steam big picture. Disabled as much of the Microsoft BS as I can, including the nags to use Onedrive or sub to Office 365 every major update.
Using Unified Remote to control things with my phone and also Parsec/Moonlight for game streaming to other devices.
My media is served from my Unraid server to my devices both locally and remotely.
All working well so far. 👍
I can’t believe there isn’t a good HTPC OS that can handle launching Netflix, prime, plex, whatever.
I haven’t used Kodi in a few year but at least then Kodi and the big apps didn’t play well together.
awesome! i love unskippable ads! especially when i pay monthly to even use the service! bezos always getting W's!!!
No end to the greed of these corporations.
You can skip them. It’s more like a screen saver than anything.
Didn't know they made CRTs that support a FireTV stick.
this is just a smidgen of the first-world's self-inflicted punishment. very excited to see what happens next.
The day nvidia shield start doing that shit i'm going straight for Kodi in a mini-pc
To late.
Nvidia Shield is getting Auro 3D audio support, full-screen ads
The simplest solution right now is to uninstall the upgrade to the Google TV Launcher application under the my apps section in settings for the Nvidia Sheild.
At the same time disable automatic updates in the playstore app, this way the specific TV Launcher app won't update.
Currently this is the app responsible for showing you ads on your homescreen and playing you full screen ads.
My recommendation is to also downgrade your Nvidia Sheild to 8.2.3, here is a excellent guide below.
You can easily change launchers on the Shield, unlike the Fire TV for instance, which actively blocks it, to get rid of the advertising and garbage.
Don't give them ideas!! But I've blocked any update for my shield maybe two years ago, so it's locked in a older version of Android, it works fine and I hope this doesn't change 😬
They don't need me to get that idea. I might block their update too good tip
Don't forget about the playstore app updates, these should be set to not autoupdate.
Currently the android TV Launcher app is what shows you the ads on the homescreen. You can easily uninstall this apps update if you upgrade it accidentally.
Kodi in a mini-pc
That's the way to go. You can even use something like a Raspberry Pi running LibreELEC, a very lightweight Linux distro which does nothing more than run Kodi.
All my screens just have computer hooked up. Even a debloated windows 10 install is better than any other stick solution. I don’t even need to do special rules on my PiHole lawl
Also, can’t find the thing I need? I’ll just pop onto AR, OR, IPT, whatever and get it. Can’t do that on a shitty stick or shield
That shit is annoying, Shit starts to blast out loud before I adjusted the audio. It's like going to some old website that would autoplay music obnoxiously.
Well, you get what you pay for. It's very cheap for a reason: you are the product.
I got an Apple TV in 2018 and it's still working perfectly. Yes, it was expensive, but it has no ads, it's still fast and responsive, and it still gets updates.
Ditto, I caved and got an Apple TV around 2020 after getting fed up with Android TV OS being complete garbage and constantly crashing. I'm not even an Apple fan, but the user experience was a night and day difference. Siri ended up actually being really useful in a TV remote, no more typing in passwords manually or typing in search bars.
I bought an Apple TV recently for a secondary TV and it’s a real pleasure to use. Also have a Shield Pro in the theater which is getting annoying with ads and silly UX changes. I used to sing the praises of the Shield and encouraged many friends/family to buy it in the past (even over Apple TV). But not anymore.
I still have one of the Apple TV HDs from 2015 on one tv and it’s still fast compared to the built in smart tv on TVs I got last year. I had 2 more that I upgraded to 4K units last year but gave the HDs away and they’re still being used. They really weren’t expensive for me because directv had launched their streaming service and were giving Apple TVs away when paying for a certain amount of months.
This is the way.
Apple TV is an amazing device and I hope it’ll be even better in 1-2 years. Put an M3 inside the Apple TV and you get a console on PS4 level and a multimedia device.
I really hope Apple will do this.
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This is so annoying. It goes into a full screen ad as soon as you turn it on, so I babysit the remote and navigate to an app as soon as it turns on, in order to avoid ads. It also does this if you let the TV idle, which I also hate. I might just throw it away and go back to hooking up a laptop to the TV instead. I paid $70-ish bucks for this stupid thing.
Edit: I just remembered that you can hack these fire sticks, so i’ll probably try that first.
Ever since getting a fire stick I've been hooking my laptop up to the tv instead. Now I can play games, watch movies, shows, etc
Etc as in watch porn on the TV? Amiright?
I mean you could do anything you want porn, watch your security cameras, youtube with all your ublock and sponsorblock extensions, possibilities are endless
These devices were annoying a decade ago. Comical that people still buy these when Roku and Android TV are so much nicer.
What Android TV device do you recommend?
They all have ads now... But I like our Chromecast with Google TV and our Nvidia Shield TV. Both super easy to use and can side load apps
Xiaomi TV Stick 4k. I got an Amazon Fire TV stick, hated it very much, but luckily for me it malfunctioned after a month, and i managed to get a "refund" that was limited to the amazon store. I spent the money on the xiaomi alternative that came with android tv, as it was about the same price, but you can install (and keep installed) a custom loader without ads, and never have to update anything it if you don't want it. But be careful, some newer models from xiaomi come with google tv instead, which is probably harder to have control over privacy/ads.
Our household completely ditched all Amazon products and services 4 or so years ago and never looked back. I shop local and on alternative sites for everything, it took a little adjusting at first. I think we have had to buy something from Amazon maybe once or twice in the last 4 years because I we couldn't get it anywhere else. A few months ago I switched the 1 Amazon product we had owned forever, a Fire Stick to a Roku the first company I had ever used a streaming device from 10-15 years ago, I thought briefly about wiping the Fire Stick and donating it, but decided to toss it with the thought of adding someone else's user data to the Bezos empire.
Can you still hack the shit out of fire sticks or did they clamp down on that?
My Chromecast is doing it's job fine with app only mode but the day they change it or take away that mode I've got some mini PCs ready to have libreelec thrown up on them.
I always say ads are a nuisance and need to be eradicated. None of my friends agree with me... whatever, enjoy your ads
I also hate the BS of 30 sec ad of another show before the show I want to watch and can't skip. Looking at you Paramount.
Skip Skip Skip, you've used up all your skips. Upgrade Now for more skips. No thanks I'll have my mp3s. 1600 fit on a 16G thumb for $3.89/ea. At that price I gift them to friends to hold for backups. I own them. My mp3s will outlive the sun.
Can we start invoicing these companies for the ads they make us watch? They should be paying us.
I noticed this too and will probably switch to something different. I have noch idea where to switch to though. Nvidia is apparently also adding ads. Chinese android boxes are not trustworthy at all. Chromecast also feels a bit icky with all the stuff Google pulled off on YouTube. I really just want to switch to a Linux bases htpc, but then Netflix will only be 720p and that's not acceptable. IMHO there currently is no good streaming box
What are Roku up to these days? I stopped paying attention when they became less of a value option
Ironically, last I checked, the Walmart Onn branded box is quite good. They don't seem to have any protections to stop you from installing a custom home launcher.
The Apple TV is the best out there. It’s quick, has a great remote now, and not full of ads. I don’t use android but there’s probably a third party app to use as a remote for pasting passwords.
I recently installed wolf launcher on my android tv. It works like a charm. I also sideloaded most apps that I regularly use, and for my ease of use I installed f-droid on my Tv. I would also recommend getting a Bluetooth keyboard with trackpad combo. Only problem is that Android TVs need to be restarted once in a while or it's prone to crashing, at least mine is.
I did not think aboit the AppleTv at all. This might actually be the first Apple device I buy
You can easily change launchers on the NVIDIA Shield and Chromecasts. Fire TV's are really the only devices that actively prevent changing launchers and try to force you to deal with their advertising.
Personally my recommendation is generally the Shield, or maybe an Apple TV depending on your use case. Expensive but well worth it imo, you really do get what you pay for.
If you need cheaper, then I'd probably go the Chromecast. Lesser of the two evils between like the Fire TV imo.
This. ProjectIvy launcher on the Shield works wonders.
As said above, Apple TV is really the only one that’s good. It’s great honestly. Zero ads, quick, and even the old HD box is still getting the latest OS updates. It costs the most but it’s truly worth it.
Just in time for my laptop's monitor to crap out and await new life as a HTPC.
I think this will be the last year I’m an Amazon Prime customer. Their music streaming is beyond shitty, all the stuff that interests me on Instant Video isn’t free anyway, and I don’t buy enough Prime-eligible products to make the 100-ish euros worth it.
I find it interesting how they can get away with increasing the costs while reducing the service.
we just got done with a prime 'trial'... they are really pushing the extra-cost subs and rentals in the ui now, which buries the actual free-with-prime content so much that it's much easier to use a third-party site to find stuff.
my parents keep buying Amazon FireTV devices and they are so annoying and underpowered. I want them to just buy an HTPC or something, but they wont listen cuz thats more expensive, even tho they've been through multiple Fire TVs cuz they crap out
There's issues with PCs as well. Most browsers don't play full HD nor 4k. I haven't found a solution for that even though most of our viewing is from an attached gaming PC.
Home theater pc
And Google Tv just did this. Sigh
Crazy how stupid you have to be to buy Amazon Fire products.
I think the general public isn’t stupid in this instance, I think they’re just cheap. I have a friend who filled his house with Echo speakers and bragged that it was less expensive than a couple HomePods or Sonos speakers. When I pointed out that Alexa made shopping suggestions after a request he made, he kinda brushed it off, but a few months later he disconnected them all when he noticed private conversations around the house were influencing his Amazon recommendations. He’s fortunate enough to have learned from his mistake and been able to afford to fix it. A lot of folks see a 4k streaming device for $30, compare it to something like the Nvidia shield or the Apple TV, and think it’s a great deal. When they find themselves frustrated by advertising a couple days, weeks, or months later (or maybe desensitized to it like a frog in boiling water), it’s too late. They’ve already spent their money, and/or assume that this is just what all streaming devices are like, so why spend more for this experience?
Stupidity? Probably not, just cheapness and an ignorance of how low cost hardware stays low cost.
I agree with the cheapness making it a low barrier to choose, but nvidia is Aldo doing the same thing. Full screen ads. Apple on the other hand is just locked/closed off, so no solid choice for a streaming device.
not just cheap but given away when you buy other items
So they hate their customers now openly.
What a shame.
They were dirt cheap last black Friday. Makes sense.
Damn, from what i read here watching streams with nearly every solution on your tv sucks ass today. i still have my hardware steam link (and have another one in storage) and 2 steam controllers and just stream my desktop. the setup is ancient by now, but as long as the steam link can get updates or at least can sideload moonlight i'll be set
I hope its possible to transform mine into a Kodi TV or something
People who using PiHole/Adguard Home & NextDNS be like what ads ?