Restricted Topics
Restricted Topics
Restricted Topics
A classic. So many questions arise from this simple text+image post:
We will never have all the answers. Still, the questions are themselves a sort of answer.
to know all the answers is… forbidden knowledge
Crab people
Crab people
Taste like Crab, walk like people
the child is... strange.
we've made repeated efforts to contact the Florida Guard, the Florida Attorney General, the Governor!
Random Asshat: "the Florida Guard! that we be! please gaze upon my curdled milks and slimy vegetables!"
I get the "haha" of this particular search getting reported on...but I think that this sort of surveillance is definitely stepping into creepy territory that will end up doing more harm than good.
There were definitely web searches I performed about topics back when I was younger that I would never want my parents to know. When you live in an oppressive household where you are taught never to think outside of the box or be anything your parents don't want you to be, having the internet available is supposed to be a path to liberation.
If they want to set up filters that block certain results, fine. But tattling is just unethical, especially if the child does not know their search history is being monitored by their parents.
It's perfect conditioning to accept authoritarian rule, and constant surveillance as normal.
if only there was a Black mirror episode about the dangers of being an overbearing parent.
The thing is, parents get incredibly conflicted messages about this. When a child DOES end up looking at something bad parents get all the blame for not supervising and controlling their child and get called abusive. If they supervise and control their child they get called helicopter parents or abusive as well.
And it's not only regarding the internet. When parents let their children roam, for example, the neighborhood and something bad happens, the parents get the blame and called abusive for letting their child roam the neighborhood. If they control outdoors time for they child, they are abusive again.
It literally doesn't matter what you do as a parent, a lot of people will call you a bad parent or an abuser for it. I believe it is one reason why some people don't want to have children at all. It's basically an impossible task.
This sort of oppressive situation is my childhood in a nutshell. And you're right, it's entirely unethical, and in combination with other factors can be used as a factor in psychological abuse. I know I at least am traumatized from it, and surveillance was definitely one of many signifigant factors.
Stop spying on your kid... Jesus.
Kids need access to the internet at a super young age these days for school. If you don't have some sort of filter in place when they are in single digits or tweens you are just negligent. The internet has some dark corners.
It's possible to block without spying on though.
And the proper way is to teach your kids about it and stop treating kids like super fragile glass beings.
Your city probably has some dark corners too, but you don't set up geofenced tracking beacons to be alarmed if they stumble slightly off the path you intended them to go.
Children should feel comfortable enough to talk to you about bad stuff they encounter, not feel frightened, that they broke a rule.
thinking about my p history and that one video
Wasn’t quite different back then, it is easier now, and full of advertisements and stuff that make the happy chemicals go brrrr
If there’s a reliable way to only be alerted to specific activity, then the parents aren’t really actively spying, in the sense that the kids still have privacy when they aren’t transgressing into prohibited space. As long as that prohibited space is reasonable (huge debate possible there of course) and the kids know about the restrictions. imo
Not giving your kids access to the internet at all is insane. You're setting them up for failure by not actively teaching them how to navigate the Internet and what bs to look out for. Anyone that does this is just trying to indoctrinate their kid and prevent them from being exposed to any other ideas. The ego on parents that think they know enough to entirely prepare their kids for the world is ridiculous. Especially these days. You're just setting them up to be behind when they're older and they'll resent you while they struggle to catch up.
My parents used this as part of their obsessive-control emotional / psychological abuse. Mostly to try to indoctrinate me into their cult, and their extremist right-wing ideology. There is a place for filters, and even search reports - but search reports ought to end around 14 years, and by 16 there needs to be some form of legal recognition of privacy rights as a human being for cases of isolating abuse as a part of indoctrination. P*rn blockers etc on the router are fine though, the network legally belongs to the parents. But human being, at least after puberty, requires privacy for proper psychological development. Complete surveillance after that time is psychologically and emotionally harmful to both the child and the relationship.
When I was a kid (way too many years ago) my parents gave up trying to restrict my Internet usage because no matter what they did I could easily get around it. I knew more about networking than they did. Then I grew up to become an IT administrator.
My mom asked my uncle to restric access.
I researched how to unblock it during my time :)
Was seemingly IP-based and the router probably just created an DHCP reservation for my device. Changing IP to static and done. They should do it via MAC. And even that is useless nowadays.
Edit: Also work in IT now.
Yeah, with MAC randomization being readily available on pretty much any device now it is also pretty useless.
I gave my kids completely open internet access and just chose to talk with them on what they might encounter. If I'd locked their devices, they'd just went online at a friend's place.
Yeah, I don't have any kids yet, but if I did I would do the same.
I didn't restrict my kids Internet access, but I did tell them that even though I'm not tracking everything they're doing online, the ISP, the school, upstream providers, search engines, social medias, advertisers, and pretty much everyone else will be.
And this is why kids should grow up with increasingly restrictive parental control software. It's educational.
lol, same, I'm a programmer now
I'm not reading you CAN'T, but filtering software is FAR better than the shit we got around. If you lock your bootloader there isn't much you're going to be able to do except use other devices available to you.
Stolen (fair use) from
Dudes remove that spyware from your Networks omg
I should hope so. You want the crabs taking over?
Yes and it also makes the child Strairdrac the Netherwatcher.
If your kid isn't looking up forbidden knowledge you failed as a parent.
I had less problems with my childs long before internet
Forbidden knowledge. Oooh.
Too late.
"Straidrac The Netherwatcher" is quite a curios kind
Literally 1984
Is this a joke about rust?
You have learned the forbidden knowledge of the crab people.
Crab People, Crab People…
Well, how else would we continue to subdue the
Crab people, crab people!
They taste like crab, talk like people.
One of my favorite South Park episodes and definitely the first thing I thought of when I saw OP's post, haha
computer spyware taught me not to trust computers, my parents, or corporations
it also taught me how to format drives and reinstall operating systems
I still have ptsd from Kaspersky
Nyet commrad, Kaspersky excellent product, we track all you do to provide greatest protection.
Same, but Microsoft Family with all the reports and restrictions...
Forbidden knowledge......???? WTF is that description
They're planning something... BEWARE.
Can't let them read, or they will rave
Kaspersky safe kids...Good to know to never use that.
Kaspersky premium is still pretty good, not perfect, but good.
Also confirmed Russian company that sells data to their government.
And since Windows 10 windows defender is (by Design) better.
Because Windows integrated it into the Systems. Other Software needs to hack their way into those and often open more security holes than they protect
This isn't even funny. my parents weren't that tech savvy and i learnt about porn from about 4th grade or so. parents need to be in control of what their children are browsing
Do you feel like you're a worse person for learning about porn at such a young age? I also learned about porn around that age (2nd~4th grade) and I feel like it had no impact on my life whatsoever as an adult.
The funny part of the post is referring to "teaching crabs how to read" as "forbidden knowledge"
I'm an old person. I learned about porn at age 4 from finding my parents' stash.
I'm curious, were you addicted to it later in life?
Dude, which birthday clown touched you?
No they're not, genius
I never worry about them. I made my point and that's enough i guess
There's a difference between passive blocking and surveillance. The former is a safety measure that's perfectly sufficient to keep bad stuff away. The latter is an invasion of privacy that has no benefit, and many unsavory consequences on a child's sense of trust and autonomy. Blockers are enough.
It is a safe assumption that every human, at the age of puberty, will search for porn or sonething similar. If not, your kid is asexual.
A blocker will prevent that search. You know that search will take place. Heck, you did it and at some point in time got away with it.
What possible purpose would you as a parent have for knowing the details of that search? That is just a gross invasion of a very private phase in development. You might as well add cameras to the bedroom to see if your kid, who is obviously past puberty, is masturbating (of course they are - checking on it is just disgusting and creepy).
It sure is forbidden knowledge , what if the crabs take our jobs next !