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Why I recommend against Brave.

Why I recommend against Brave

If you are keen on personal privacy, you might have come across Brave Browser. Brave is a Chromium-based browser that promises to deliver privacy with built-in ad-blocking and content-blocking protection. It also offers several quality-of-life features and services, like a VPN and Tor access. I mean, it's even listed on the reputable PrivacyTools website. Why am I telling you to steer clear of this browser, then?

  • We need to get some moderators in here. Lots of bigotry in this comment section…

  • Don't forget about the fact that a while back they secretly whitelisted Facebook trackers in their adblocker to "make pages run more smoothly" they got a lot of shit for it when people found out looking through the source code. When I heard that they did that it basically cemented in my mind that they were shady and untrustworthy, that's in addition to the Crypto and rewards stuff.

  • Oh boy, I shared the spacebar news article a year ago or so and was hit by a shitstorm of indignant comments.

  • Yeah brave has it own issue, but overall it is still more privacy respecting than chrome or edge. Brave is personally not my choice. I use librewolf. Still, if someone ask me for a browser to use for their privacy journey I will undoubtedly tell them to just use brave. Firefox(and the forks) isn't a choice for most normal people it often break Captcha. Some website even straight up just don't allow Firefox based then tell you to use chrome. I am not by anyway try to defend Brave action, but I can't see much choice that just work for people who don't even know what an OS is.

  • Why I recommend against pushing people away from Brave:

    Most people are still trapped in an ecosystem owned by either Microsoft, Google or Apple. We're yet to see a perfect web browser for everyone, but in the meantime we choose one, maybe two or three if we feel a bit more picky for each task, and use them to the best of our capacity. Making anyone feel guilty and ashamed for choices like this, when the best options are few, relative, and often come at a cost, is just useless.

    I suggest reading the settings guides available at or checking the browser comparison at to know the details that anyone who actually wants a better browsing experience cares about. Better to lend a hand than push around.

    If whoever reads this still can't get over it and needs to play a blame game with someone about why everyone should boycott Mozilla, Brave, Proton and other privacy focused FOSS companies because of what someone said, did or thought, please at least find a decent fork, toss a coin to it's devs, share their work and help others benefit from it.

    • At this point there is a pretty solid list of reasons to avoid Brave and use another FOSS privacy focused option.

      Personally, everything I've read about Brave makes me trust them even less than Microsoft, and Google.

  • Wow, what scummy bastards. I used the browser for a little bit, and I kinda figured they were up to some shady shit when I noticed a crypto-wallet was included, but I ignored all that shit and it was fine. But if I'd known what the CEO or the company in general had been up to I'd have dropped that shit like a bad habit long before I did for other reasons.