Depart, men of education.
Depart, men of education.
Depart, men of education.
Didn't Albert Einstein flee Nazi Germany which advanced our research into what became the atomic bomb. Hmm... Should be fun century for USA.
Hoping that they flee to somewhere that leads to fusion energy and not cheap rods of god.
Rods from God require space infra no one has and won't for a long while
Trump has already dismantled the American empire. The decline will be rapid and terminal. Even if they returned to sanity tomorrow, the damage cannot be undone any time soon. Nobody is going to trust the US again in our lifetimes.
Tbh he's just finishing off a process decades in the making.
Oh no, all the trust america built up is suddenly gone...
When will america be the worlds best step dad again!
How dare you point out something so relevant and foreboding.