Nearly All Cybertrucks Have Been Recalled Because Tesla Used the Wrong Glue
Nearly All Cybertrucks Have Been Recalled Because Tesla Used the Wrong Glue

Nearly All Cybertrucks Have Been Recalled Because Tesla Used the Wrong Glue

Nearly All Cybertrucks Have Been Recalled Because Tesla Used the Wrong Glue
Nearly All Cybertrucks Have Been Recalled Because Tesla Used the Wrong Glue
Tesla is the only car company on earth that has every single existing model subject to a recall.
Tesla is the only car company on earth in history that has every single existing model subject to a recall.
What an amazing site.
We won't ask why you would want to glue ceramic and leather together - we just give gluing info.
That's funny, I just used that website a few weeks ago because I needed to bond a metal washer to plastic. The jb weld it recommended seems to have worked great
Wow this is actually very useful
This is an unexpectedly useful website!
It's become very popular. Jaguar, Lexus, Audi, they'll use glues at some point. So I'm very surprised. It's not as if it's an unknown science. I've not heard [of problems] anywhere else.”
Yeah, none of those brands are trying to be cheap as shit death traps though.
I also find it fun how i heard this morning that it hasn’t even been fixed in production yet.
... ist immer noch die schönste Freude.
When i read the post title, I honestly thought this is a meme.
Always have some chewing gum ready. (I would advise for cyanoacrylate but that's illegal in some places because you could use it to stick yourself to the road as a form of protest)