Elon Musk Freaking Out as Tesla Craters
Elon Musk Freaking Out as Tesla Craters

Tesla's stock tumbled by almost 16 percent on Monday, driven by widespread pessimism over the EV maker's plummeting sales numbers worldwide.

Elon Musk Freaking Out as Tesla Craters
Tesla's stock tumbled by almost 16 percent on Monday, driven by widespread pessimism over the EV maker's plummeting sales numbers worldwide.
Good. Get wrecked, nazi scum.
It's ackshually spelled "rekt"
The American people should crater his skull next
As a recent exile from Reddit, it's refreshing to be able to say this kind of shit again.
You have been upvoted for promoting violence.
I didn't think .world allowed that
You love to see it.
Get fucked Elon
Oh no. Anyway.
Craters, you say?
I approve.
Only 16%? Those are rookie numbers
Down ~50% from it's record high, and down ~40% for the year. ~800Billion in market cap lost so far. There's progress but yeah a ways to go.
He will just have more drugs.
Nothing that a Ketamine session can't shake off
Keep going boys looks like this is a good line of enquiry
Defenstrate yourself.
ok anyway... does anyone have a good egg recipe ?
I like over easy, real simple on a nice cast iron skillet. The great thing about this method is heating the whites inactivates the compound avidin which could otherwise inhibit biotin bio-availability. Remember solid whites, and runny yolks; it's the most nutritious way. What else do people like?
good advice on the egg white, didn't knew
Wow I didn’t know it was actually easier to digest that way fascinating 🤔
If you're looking for something a little different (at least from a western perspective), I'm a big fan of Korean mayak eggs and Japanese onsen tomago (hot spring eggs).
The Japanese recipe uses sous vide, but you can make them in a pot as well. It's just harder to get the exactly right texture that way.
Oh, thanks for that! You've reminded me of sous vide eggs. A friend of mine served us soft boiled eggs @ 145F for like 40 minutes. Pretty amazing!!
I’ve recently started doing omelettes in a stainless steel pan because I’m trying to avoid all the nasty shit in Teflon. If you heat the pan on a low-medium heat for a few minutes first and pop the omelette in and don’t disturb it at all, it will come out again cleanly without getting stuck. The trick is to wait for the oil to smell pleasantly cooked but not so long that it starts to smoke. I like to use a simple recipe of 2 or 3 eggs depending on how hungry you are, a handful of grated cheddar cheese, a dab of Greek yogurt (for texture - optional) and a pinch of parsley. Little bit of salt as well if you like. Depending on the size of your pan it’s probably a mistake to try flipping that lad, so I’d recommend just folding it in half when it’s all cooked on top. Key thing here is to use a lid so it cooks all the way through. Anyway those are my current egg thoughts hbu?
This made me hungry...
Carbon steel works really well for eggs, too.
Now he is exporting tesla to india and others. Got Modi to stop foreign car import duty. First showroom is done. And now his starlink will also be in India.
To bad it's because of "plummeting sales numbers". That is the effect of a cause that has been underway for much longer than the past 6 months. The effect of the last 6 months is, unfortunately, a blip at most