What the fuck is a bazinga
What the fuck is a bazinga
I know its from the Big Bang Theory and its used in context with capitalist techbros, but what is is definition? (Edit)
What the fuck is a bazinga
I know its from the Big Bang Theory and its used in context with capitalist techbros, but what is is definition? (Edit)
someone who worships the capitalist techbros is my understanding. a bazinga brain probably loves tesla and the thinks the single lane death tunnel is brilliant.
Ok... I think, by the humorous way you phrase, I feel we should put them in the single lane death tunnels
People obsessed with entrepreneurial great men, obsessive fears over "our glorious technological advancements" vs "their dangerous inhuman experiments", fetishising technological superiority in stuff like warfare etc.
Pro-capitalist simps with tech chauvinistic tendencies...?
In the show it was basically a tagline for the most
character, used especially when he was being the most sort of like 'gottem' but more dorkyas others are saying, it has come to mean a mix of stemlord thinking and treat worship, so like folks that bootlick
because "he's saving humanity from a dying planet" type thinkingIt's like the futurist movement in post-WW1 Italy that later got absorbed by fascism, but instead of airplanes they worship Elon Musk.
someone from basingstoke
Tf is that?
a meme from our recently forgotten past
Me too
Bazinga is the common name for a man-portable recoilless anti-tank rocket launcher weapon, widely deployed by the United States Army, especially during World War II.1
I use it to describe a specific kind of futurist tech bro who think great men like Elon will save us all with their infinite genius. Bootlickers who believe we should relinquish all our possessions for the effective altruists because they're just better than us and can use their wealth more effectively.