Sucking the monkey
Sucking the monkey
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Peter Gabriel considers lyrics rewrite.
Sucking the monkey
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Peter Gabriel considers lyrics rewrite.
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Lol "bung hole"
also bunghole, "hole in a cask through which is it filled, closed by a stopper," 1570s, from bung (n.) + hole (n.). Sense extended to "anus" by c. 1600.
"by c. 1600" means the first known written use was in ~1600. I wonder how fast the spoken use took. Months? It would have been the hot meme of the 1570s. I can imagine this convo in a pub.
"Guys, guys, guys. I was talking to the publican and I learned a new word. Bung means stopper, right? And hole - you know that one. What do you think bunghole means?"
2nd guy: "Dunno."
3rd guy: "Already know that. The stopper for a barrel. So?"
"How 'bout your anus?"
butthole (n.) also butt-hole, "anus," 1950s slang, from butt (n.6) + hole (n.). Earlier it meant "blind hole; cul-de-sac" (early 20c.).
butthole is surprisingly much later
1950s slang
From a dictionary.
butt 3
mainly<North America English>
The buttocks or anus:
There are no dates. I googled but I only found this very annoying article where the writer speaks in circles
The Grammarphobia Blog: Is 'butt' short for 'buttock'?
The OED’s earliest US example for “butt” used to mean the hindquarters is from John Russell Bartlett’s Dictionary of Americanisms (1859), which defines it this way: “The buttocks. The word is used in the West in such phrases as, ‘I fell on my butt,’ ‘He kick’d my butt.’ ”
Maybe butthole was a slang term in the late 1800s but it was only a spoken form for many decades after that until some intrepid pioneer had the audacity to put it in print.
Yeah I searched to find an example in print. Most results were “but thoſe” mistranscribed. In the early 1900s I found butt hole used as a mining term (digging a butt hole in rock then stuffing it with explosives)
digging a butt hole in rock then stuffing it with explosives
That sounds like a line in Loser that Beck sneaks in when he plays it live.
"How 'bout your anus?"
"The planet?"
sucking the monkey from the bung hole
how else can you do it? lol