Sucking the monkey
Sucking the monkey
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Peter Gabriel considers lyrics rewrite.
Sucking the monkey
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Peter Gabriel considers lyrics rewrite.
Lol "bung hole"
also bunghole, "hole in a cask through which is it filled, closed by a stopper," 1570s, from bung (n.) + hole (n.). Sense extended to "anus" by c. 1600.
"by c. 1600" means the first known written use was in ~1600. I wonder how fast the spoken use took. Months? It would have been the hot meme of the 1570s. I can imagine this convo in a pub.
"Guys, guys, guys. I was talking to the publican and I learned a new word. Bung means stopper, right? And hole - you know that one. What do you think bunghole means?"
2nd guy: "Dunno."
3rd guy: "Already know that. The stopper for a barrel. So?"
"How 'bout your anus?"
sucking the monkey from the bung hole
how else can you do it? lol