What people are missing in the comments is that you can choose to play a bot match if that's what you want. But you CAN'T sign up to play against people and guarantee that that's what you'll be doing. And they are not transparent about it.
Last time I played Fortnite it was also like this. It was bots + other weak players like you. It felt quite okay, early in the match you got some easy bot kills and later you had some challenge dealing with actual players of your skill level.
That's unsurprising, I don't bother with multiplayer games at all because always getting stomped so bad you don't even learn how to fucking play isn't worth the time. One assumes they have to come up with some sort of strategy to keep players like me on a pvp only game.
I'm fine with this. There are some braindead or brand new players out there who should 100% be confined to the kiddie pool until they learn the basic mechanics.
i swear pokémon duel would do the opposite of this. you’d get on a win streak and then suddenly a player with a very generic name and the EXACT counters to your deck fucken SWEEPS your ass with seemingly psychic precision. you could even trick it by switching to a deck with no synergy and just playing like a psycho whenever you got ~5 wins in a row.
i miss that game so much. taken before it’s time o7
It's really fucked up when you think about it since qp matches are any skill against any skill. So if you get a diamond ranked dps on the opposite team and your team is mostly bronze you're screwed. Then you only have to lose one more match to get put into the bot matches. That seems super unfair.
The problem is that every game has a losing team, and the players are supposed to feel bad no matter how well they performed. "Defeat" or "Loss" messages, sad music, sinking stats, public match record showing off your failure; there's punishment baked into this model of game.
Trying to keep players by throwing them easy wins is an insult. You're the game developer that created this "winner/loser" model to begin with. Now you're trying to make me feel better with this bullshit? You're the one that caused the pain to begin with.