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  • I’ve learned I have to wait at least three hours from finishing a meal to laying down or it’s heartburn time

    • Thanks for the tip

      • this has also been a game changer for me too. I used to eat "whenever" including late at night. if it was significant in amount and/or acidic, it was brutal. I probably almost aspirated partially digested food like half a dozen times, waking up choking and needing an antacid. I kept a big container of CVS knock offs in the medicine cabinet.

        once I instituted a hard rule of no food (only water and brewed tea) after 7 pm, no more problems. I've gotten more strict in the last 6 months and now never eat after 5:30pm (5 hours before bed) and I have legit forgotten this used to be a bad problem for me.

  • I'm depressed, everything hurts, and my progressive loss of ignorance has brought nothing but more depression. Depression, and anger.

    • Solidarity comrade. I should probably get back on my medication tbh. Maybe you should think about doing the same if you think it would make things more bearable