One of the perks of getting old, heartburn.
One of the perks of getting old, heartburn.
Went ham last night on 4 slices of greasy pizza and today my chest is on fire. ffs I can't even eat my favorite food!
One of the perks of getting old, heartburn.
Went ham last night on 4 slices of greasy pizza and today my chest is on fire. ffs I can't even eat my favorite food!
I’ve learned I have to wait at least three hours from finishing a meal to laying down or it’s heartburn time
Thanks for the tip
this has also been a game changer for me too. I used to eat "whenever" including late at night. if it was significant in amount and/or acidic, it was brutal. I probably almost aspirated partially digested food like half a dozen times, waking up choking and needing an antacid. I kept a big container of CVS knock offs in the medicine cabinet.
once I instituted a hard rule of no food (only water and brewed tea) after 7 pm, no more problems. I've gotten more strict in the last 6 months and now never eat after 5:30pm (5 hours before bed) and I have legit forgotten this used to be a bad problem for me.
I'm depressed, everything hurts, and my progressive loss of ignorance has brought nothing but more depression. Depression, and anger.
Solidarity comrade. I should probably get back on my medication tbh. Maybe you should think about doing the same if you think it would make things more bearable
This year I learned that my knees will now swell and start to hurt if I sit still for too long. So now I'm old enough that doing nothing hurts too? Walk too much: knees hurt. Hike up a mountain: knees hurt. Stand too long: knees hurt. Sit too long: knees hurt. Somedays, just exist: knees hurt. Knees hurt, I make a sound: my kids make fun of me for being old. Fucking aging bullshit. This is why I pick on my dad for his age.
I'm sorry, pizza is one of my favorites too!
If I drink alcohol my feet swell up and my shoes don't fit
condolences from the vanGERD party
one of my favorite & easy go-to meals was a vegetable medley with plenty of pepper; but no more as a couple of years ago.
i will weep for you in solidarity.
Get sum tums
Also, my heartburn and other stomach problems turned out to be my gallbladder beginning to explode, so maybe keep an eye on that
Yeah I got some tums from a previous heartburn attack and thanks I'll keep an eye out.
Get the smoothie tums, they’re so much better than the standard ones that I don’t even know why they still make them.
I was prescribed it before while I was in rehab for hb so I should look back into getting on it. Yeah the generic otc is like $10 it's steep.
getting old
inhaling trillions of particles of Ft Detrick bioweapon every second
Take an acid reducer. It works.
It's not a good idea to take PPIs long term as stomach acid is good for your gut microbiome. You should take them for like a week and a half max ideally, and stop them when you feel better. They're also the most effective when you take them 15-30mins before you eat your first meal.
In comparison, putting the two feet of the head of your bed up on some small cinderblocks is very effective at reducing symptoms at night, much cheaper, and can be done basically forever with zero consequences, allowing your lower esophageal sphincter to heal. I also recommend changing your diet to include a wider variety of plant foods and fiber, including spices, herbs, nuts, and legumes, which should eventually improve your health and reduce heartburn significantly.
I started dealing with heartburn in my 20s, despite a relatively healthy diet. I shudder to think of my 40s.