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I'm starting to hear a depressingly familiar sentiment from older millennials who have struggled
  • I haven't encountered this but if I do I'll be sure to call it out

  • NSFW
    Lets check-in with the libs
  • "In order for non-violence to work, your opponent must have a conscience."

  • Again I circle back to the humane option for dealing with chuds is putting them in pleasure cubes they can never escape from.
  • I had a similar idea for dealing with capitalists: make a video game for them that simulates stock trading and all the "work" they do to "run" their companies. Maybe hire a few actors to be their "assistants." They can also have a siloed version of twitter full of bootlicker bots that enthusiastically agree with all their dumb ideas.

  • He is so self obsessed
  • This is one of those patsoc losers, isn't it? Why did he photoshop his face on a Yemeni military spokesperson?

  • Removed
  • Oh shit did someone say cheese?! matt

  • Kinda wild to see shipping described as "testosterone-crazed" in the 90s
  • Oh, that kind of shipping. Before I clicked I thought this was going to be an ad for FedEx or something

  • Is this a Jordan Peterson quote
  • It's harder than you might think

  • If the "Republic of Gamers" was real, what would their elections be like? Who would be the candidates? Parties? What would the big issues be?
  • My eyes glazed over and I had a Lovecraftian vision of Hell before I was halfway done reading this. You've written high-tier cosmic horror. I might've soiled myself.

  • What's the U stand for?

  • Worst person clickhole headline et cetera (cw edge of some dairy products)
  • I'm kidding, I don't think he actually did that. But it's funnier to believe he did.

  • The New Synthesis
  • She lived until 1937, and that's exactly what she told him:

  • Worst person clickhole headline et cetera (cw edge of some dairy products)
  • He put a fake beard on top of his real beard

  • The New Synthesis
  • Most historians who study first-century Palestine agree that Jesus was a real person who existed. Whether everything written about him is true is another question.

  • HUNNU & Altanjargal - Hiimori (OFFICIAL MUSIC VIDEO)

    Just Mongolian guys being dudes

    I can't login with Chrome

    I've tried clearing all browsing data and it keeps giving me an error. It works fine on Firefox and the mobile version of Chrome.

    Newbie with questions about Debian

    I got an old Windows 7 laptop that was going to be thrown out and decided to put Linux on it (see previous thread here). Most people suggested I go with the latest stable version of Debian, so that's what I installed. I've mostly used Windows, but I do have some experience with Ubuntu.

    The installation went smoothly, but I've had a few problems getting it set up to my liking:

    1. I can't figure out how to setup flatpak. Everything seems to be working fine until I enter the last line in the terminal: > flatpak remote-add --if-not-exists flathub

    I hit enter and nothing happens. No error message or anything. I restarted the computer but flatpak doesn't work, either through the software center or the flatpak website. I found a few forum posts with the same problem, but no solutions.

    1. I somehow set it up so that my username is not the super user, so I have to type a password in the terminal every time I want to use sudo. Is there a way to fix this without a clean install?

    2. I somehow set up the hard drive partitions so that the OS is on an encrypted partition, so I have to put in a password for the BIOS to boot up. Is there a way to fix this without a clean install?

    3. I'm used to a desktop interface with a toolbar/start menu that I can pin frequently-used programs to, but with Debian it seems like I need to click "Activities" to do anything. Is there a way to set up the interface so it's more like Windows in that regard?

    4. If I need to do a clean install, I'm thinking of switching to Ubuntu, since I'm more familiar with the interface. Is there any reason why I should stick with Debian? I've heard some people trashing Ubuntu but I'm not sure why. Is Debian better for older hardware?

    Edit: Thanks for all the knowledgeable replies. I did a fresh install of Debian 12 (64 bit) with KDE and it seems to have resolved all my problems. Although it's a little slow and buggy, I've had to reboot it twice. I'll try a lightweight DE if that continues.

    Is YouTube trying to entrap me into doing something illegal?

    Maybe I'm being paranoid, but I've seen lots of suggested videos lately on how to build DIY rockets

    I have an old laptop with Windows 7, which Linux OS should I put on it?

    I've used Ubuntu in the past so that's what I'm thinking of using, but if anyone has another suggestion I'm open to ideas. I'm looking for something user-friendly and lightweight when it comes to hardware requirements. The laptop will mostly be used for web browsing and streaming video, if I can get that to work.
