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Would you rather be smart, or beautiful?

A genie appears before you and says you must choose to be very physically attractive, but slightly below average intelligence, or very intelligent, but slightly below average attractiveness? Which would you choose, and why?

  • My intelligence makes me depressed, so beautiful.

    • As someone with below average intelligence I can tell you it really doesn't. Trust me, having a low intelligence doesn't make your life easier it just makes it harder and puts you at a massive disadvantage. It's the most soul crushing experience there is. You can become beautiful but intelligence is forever, be thankful for what you've got.

  • Smart. Pretty, dumb people get taken advantage of. Besides, I'm already unattractive, might as well give me something after making me go through high school 😒

  • How about slightly below both but with some solid executive functioning and 0 mood disorders? I'll take that.

  • Smarter.

    But I feel like I already have both. At the same time I feel like I have nothing od them both.

    Especially because only a selection tells me that I look very attractive. I get more compliments from males when I dress like a female for Halloween while I am hetero. But mostly I feel like its not true because many people just accept my presents. But maybe they only accept me because I dont look unattractive.

    So choosing attractiveness leads to better social connections which I rely on.

    The intelligence.. I feel dumb as fuck often times because simple tasks are difficult for me or getting a focus in general. But I get compliments of being smart as fuck, especially when they see how many peogramming languages I can write in or see the projects I created or I was creative on.

    Still, I guess this is the sideproduct of being too intelligent. That being too intelligent with Asberger and ADHD results into not being able to do simple tasks. I feel like the word "dumb" is just a question of perspective, because i am dumb in too many simple things, except its about a topic I love like Computers, electronics or Math sometimes.

    So the question arrises. When I choose being intelligent. Would I be able to be Intelligent in tasks which people with lower IQ (I guess dumb?) can easily master? And at the same time also in tasks which only people with higher IQ can master? (Idk my IQ btw, could be both high or low. I really dont know)

    Also, would I be able to still connect with people with the intelligence because I would have a high Empathic Intelligence? I noticed that the Higher the IQ of someone is, the lower their EQ will be. Making them a bit Egoistic and unhandsome.

    Its a complex topic with many questions

  • It's lonely being intelligent. Maybe I'm just in the wrong social circles.

    I like to read books at my construction job when we're not busy. Yet none of my coworkers have read a book since early middle school, and they only skimmed it to half-ass a book report. I can't talk to them about anything except work.

    I've never been beautiful my whole life. I'd give myself a 4 out of 10, a little less than average. I never really cared about my looks, I haven't worn makeup in ages.

    I'd be interested in giving beauty a trial run, see if it suits me better than intelligence.

  • Would I be pretty and daft enough to not overthink and complicate everything and to finally be happy?

    Ok then. Let me be a himbo. The ladies may take advantage.

  • Easily smart and slightly below average attractiveness. It's pretty trivial to boost your appearance by 2-3 "points" with some decent fashion choices, makeup, working out, and good grooming.

    Worst case, I use my high intelligence to get a high paying job and use some of the money for plastic surgery.

  • Attractive, it's wild how people are more likely to help you in either small or greater acts or be willing to overlook some of your flaws.

  • Smart because if I ever started getting into making videos for my fictional P²EMG company, would needs the smarts to make a v-Tuber model of my fursona work, alongside some other tools I won't disclose.

  • The latter. I guess that's kinda what I have already and I have no complaints. I'm aro/ace anyway so I don't really need the stunning looks for dating purposes. My relatively decent ability to learn new things never ceases to entertain me