Saw a talk about hacking bacteria once. Apparently they managed to make e coli that smells like banana when inactive and mint when active (or vice versa, can't remember).
Hi gang! Doctor here, trained at and still work at the local "Rectal Foreign Body Center of Excellence", so I feel somewhat qualified to give my professional opinion.
Yes, nothing without a flared base should be used in this fashion. BUT, there's pretty much no risk for harm here. Mechanical obstruction is unlikely because, as OP says, it'll get mushy and get pooped out. Bananas aren't much of an irritant like a citrus fruit, so not much risk for chemical damage. Someone else said there might be a risk of potassium overdose, but not really. The rectum does absorb, but not as much as the stomach. So while some potassium will be absorbed, this is at worst equivalent to eating the same number of bananas. Which won't harm you.
So not a big risk here. That being said, flared bases, everyone!
I hope you remind friends, family, and colleagues about the importance of flared bases every holiday season. It's the type of progressive service the people need but don't realize yet. Stay #based and blesst y'all
I come from a heavily Roman Catholic background. Recognition of the existence of butt stuff to family doesn't go over well. But friends and the family I'm raising get regular reminders!
Real talk, if you want to get into butt stuffing, get a squishy plug like a square peg egg plug or a topped toys gape keeper. Stuff that's designed for butt use is infinitely better than improvised things, let me tell you.
Yes, have been approached many times. Very open to shadowing and have had multiple people shadow me.
How would you prefer to be asked?
I'm not sure exactly what that question means? I guess I would prefer someone say "I am interested in medicine, can I shadow you to see if it's something I truly want to do?" Or "I'm applying to medical school and need shadowing hours. Your profession sounds like fun, can I shadow you?". Problem is you gotta know someone. Or know someone who knows someone. Can't just walk in off the street and say "I want to shadow", I'll likely say no. Most institutions do have a program to facilitate shadowing, which can help with access to willing docs.
I've dug poop out of buttholes with my (fortunately not bare) hands that are rock solid. Even the most unripe banana will pass with a good drink of water and a bit of effort.
Yeah, some microbial risk. But the post says they're freshly peeled bananas, so probably less microbial risk than a lot of things people put up there...
I suppose it's possible. The amount of absorption is going to depend on what specifically is 'in there.' Most vitamins (for example) have been separated from their pre-eaten location/environment by the physical mastication, churning, and compression; and by chemical means by chelation agents, acid/enzyme digestion, or other molecules that break apart lipid blobs and such; and even more importantly, are done in areas designed for absorption with lots of villi to give a million times the surface area. Alcohol, the oft-given example of a substance absorbed by the rear part of your gastric tube, is a fairly 'ready to be absorbed' compound. Suppositories are also similarly in a state that makes their active agents easily absorbed.
A whole bananal probably is going to be absorbed like a rock through a 5mm sieve. The bacteria in the rectum might start the process, breaking down the cells and matrix of the banana into readily absorbed compounds, but if you've ever seen an organic object like an apple or banana rot outside somewhere, it is a very slow process. You'll be much more likely to suffer some form of infection/sepsis from the bloom of bacteria (or the smaller chance of a fungal infection) long before enough of the banana is absorbed.
All of this is even more true if the OP was shoving them still in their skins in. The bananal skin will definitely be a very slow degradation, and absorb like an intelligent thought into the president elect.
IIRC the large intestine and colon is more about water resorption than nutrient absorption, and while potassium is a very dangerous electrolyte, I'm doubtful that much of it will get absorbed at all, even if 1 banana could do any damage to the average person with working kidneys.
You munch it up... Swallow the mush banana... Gets an acid bath and turns into vomit.. Continues to sail down into the small intestine and gets absorbed and dissolved further... Then the large intestine and maybe absorbed further and/or added to by other things such as a banana being inserted from the exit.
We would need multiples running, some with and some without, ideally without even themselves knowing... you think about the last part, I get the bananas.