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It's fucking barbaric not only that the death penalty still exists in some states but also that solitary confinement is a thing and even prisoners that aren't a danger to others get put in it.

Just heard on the news today that Luigi is probably going to spend a lot of time in the hole because I guess people want to kill him. And that makes him safer, how? He's already in a prison cell it doesn't get more locked down than that.

  • they really ramp it up by prohibiting books or other media. that's basically the next level of solitary, because there has to be further layers of punishment built in. that and the fact you only get flavorless "nutriloaf" aka bread and water, modern form.

    so just a featureless room with only your mind to occupy you for possibly a lifetime, or long stretches (weeks, months) if being used as a punishment. and if you lose it they just beat the shit out of you and possibly tie you down in a restraint chair.

    i can see how people lose it just to create a sense of time by fighting with the guards

    • i can see how people lose it just to create a sense of time by fighting with the guards

      Fucking heartbreaking. Honestly I don't even wish it on my enemies the capitalists because I at least have a shred of empathy.

      • yeah. the capitalists i would be happy putting on house arrest or something.

        or preferably, just give them compassionate in-patient treatment for their very obvious socially destructive mental health issues. teach them to acknowledge other humans as real beings again. help with their obsessive hoarding behaviors. lessons on what they've done to hurt people.

        then determine if they will be dangerous to society and work on their reeducation and integration. some may never be able to leave, but they deserve to live enriching lives even if segregated from the population