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  • I'm enjoying it, too. But, let me tell you why these creators are cowards:

    Since Return of the Jedi everyone has been obsessed with the blue elephant pianist, Max Rebo. Max Rebo is canonically an Ortolan, the only one we've ever seen- but we've never seen his lower half so everyone is asking the dire question: Do Ortolan have legs? Neel is also a blue elephant person but has been explicitly stated that he's NOT an Ortolan because they are too AFRAID to answer this burning question the fanbase has wanted- NEEDED to know for decades

  • I liked the first episode but really felt like they were trying to capture the same magic as star trek prodigy. But starwars disnified

    • So Prodigy was good?

      • Yeah its great definitely targeted towards kids and their parents while star wars might be for a little older crowd. Season 2 starts getting in to some more mature themes as well.

        Having live actors in star wars is really nice though and they do seem like they're trying to be distinct.