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  • The perfect center of the horseshoe, where the American left and the American right meet and agree to allow fully autonomous kill-confirm turrets to mow down climate refugees on the border.

    • People said I didn't accomplish anything on climate change during my two terms as president. Not true. That is a blatant falsehood. At the very end of my second term I signed the Paris Agreement. It had no enforcement mechanisms but it appeared to do something and it allowed me to burnish my climate change credentials. I'm all about creating a false impression to improve my all-important scam legacy.

      Now that we're facing climate chaos I'm partnering with The Fully Autonomous Kill-Confirm Turrets Company. The Fact Company will secure our borders and more importantly - it'll put at least a dozen million dollars into my pocket. Win-win - I say.

  • I will not move away from identity politics. My mind was made 20 years ago; it cannot be unmade.

    • Sean Connery in The Untouchables on fighting crime: "They put one of ours in the hospital - we put one of theirs in the morgue."

      Obama Sean Connery on fighting fascism: "They put one of ours in the hospital - we politely and firmly ask them to stop. And then we vote for a bipartisan bill criminalizing homelessness."

  • It's a NYT article and the comments are off which is a real shame.

    NYT is very selective about which articles it allows comments on. Maybe only a quarter of them have comments enabled, and it is specifically the articles where the editors think they'll have the subscribers eating out of their palms. They try very hard to limit the amount of pushback against their editorial line. They are not going to create a forum for their readers to reach the consensus that Obama is wrong, he should eat shit, and die.