Welcome to the #acceptance, Obama.
Welcome to the #acceptance, Obama.
It's a NYT article and the comments are off which is a real shame.
Welcome to the #acceptance, Obama.
It's a NYT article and the comments are off which is a real shame.
turn away from identity politics
bruh they literally made effigies of you and your family with nooses around the necks hanging from trees. Why the fuck would you work with people like that or the people who pander to them?
He's rich
You, too, can be shorn of 99% of baggage identity politics seeks to address with this one neat trick!
The perfect center of the horseshoe, where the American left and the American right meet and agree to allow fully autonomous kill-confirm turrets to mow down climate refugees on the border.
People said I didn't accomplish anything on climate change during my two terms as president. Not true. That is a blatant falsehood. At the very end of my second term I signed the Paris Agreement. It had no enforcement mechanisms but it appeared to do something and it allowed me to burnish my climate change credentials. I'm all about creating a false impression to improve my all-important scam legacy.
Now that we're facing climate chaos I'm partnering with The Fully Autonomous Kill-Confirm Turrets Company. The Fact Company will secure our borders and more importantly - it'll put at least a dozen million dollars into my pocket. Win-win - I say.
I was extraordinarily proud of the Paris Accords because, look I know we’re in oil country and we need American energy. And by the way, American energy production, you wouldn’t always know it, but it went up every year I was president. And you know that whole suddenly America’s like the biggest oil producer … that was me, people.
Trump is ACTUAL FASCISM and he will end our democracy and kill all trans and deport all migrants and it’s important to reach across the aisle in a moment like this. Build bridges, and camps too I guess.
"Uh, let me be clear, Social Democracy is the Moderate Wing of Fascism and we aren't even Social Democrats"
Just your typical wholesome transphobic US politician.
Well now at least when liberals accuse you of hating minorities for not voting Dem, you can hit them with this quote and tell them that you're not going to vote for transphobes.
Hey now, you don't have to vote for trans phobes. You just have to find a middle ground between human dignity and a state sanctioned pogrom.
Why aren't you as willing to be as compromised as our dear leader?
lol so Obama's advice is that Kamala should have campaigned more with Liz Cheney
I wonder how many important people in Kamala's inner and near orbit were ex-Obama turds. My wild hunch is a ton of them were. West Wing-brain is a terrible disease.
They worked for a guy who got elected because he was charismatic and campaigned on change. They decided to run the same playbook with a person who wasn't charismatic and promised no change.
They proceeded to lose and concluded the playbook was the salvageable part.
Deeply unserious people.
unlikely potential allies
Terminal West Wing Brain
They've already did that for 4 years, what new advice do you got magic 8 obungler-ball
It always brightens me up when I see you
chudsI want to kill all honkeys.
so we should kill half the honk eys
This is a compromise i can get behind in the name of pragmatism
I will not move away from identity politics. My mind was made 20 years ago; it cannot be unmade.
Sean Connery in The Untouchables on fighting crime: "They put one of ours in the hospital - we put one of theirs in the morgue."
Obama Sean Connery on fighting fascism: "They put one of ours in the hospital - we politely and firmly ask them to stop. And then we vote for a bipartisan bill criminalizing homelessness."
It's a NYT article and the comments are off which is a real shame.
NYT is very selective about which articles it allows comments on. Maybe only a quarter of them have comments enabled, and it is specifically the articles where the editors think they'll have the subscribers eating out of their palms. They try very hard to limit the amount of pushback against their editorial line. They are not going to create a forum for their readers to reach the consensus that Obama is wrong, he should eat shit, and die.
Fuck Obama this is all his fault