The International Space Station. The sheer confusion value would be amazing, particularly if I stayed quiet about how it happened ("I went to bed, then woke up floating here. I've no clue how it happened").
I would get to cause a major incident of complete chaos, with little to no harm. I would get to experience space and weightlessness. I would also get a near guaranteed lift home (eventually). There's also almost no way it could be kept quiet, so I get to be a minor celebrity for a while.
Whatever the biggest televised event is in the next twenty four hours. I'm going to materialize naked live in air screaming "the end is nigh unless we repent" and then go into a list of ecological and social reforms.
Into the studio of some live tv programme, so it's caught on camera by a neutral party. Without teleportation to get back, there are no really cool or useful places I want to go to in the next 24 hours. So I might as well try to make some cash out of interviews and stuff.
Right next to Vladimir Putin. Only wish I carried a gun or knife or something but we're about to find out if an obese middle aged man can strangle to death an elderly Russian. Actually, let's make it interesting, drop me maybe 10-15 ft above his head.
I know there are probably better things or at least less suicidal things i could do but it's a chance to give my life meaning and the best I could think of.
I'd assume a cannonball shape and teleport myself into the body of any living murderous dictator (you can pick). I assume the sudden materialization of a 6' tall, 200 lb human inside another human's viscera would be a bit like swallowing a bomb. Even if it's more a case of chimeric horror, the result is the same so I'm OK with it.
My mom lives three large states away and has Alzheimer's but is still able to recognize people. She's well cared for, but I'm sole caregiver for my bedbound family member. I'm reconciled to the fact I cannot travel to visit her, but if I could go for just half an hour, even just one hug, I would.
Into the core of the Sun. With the pressure and temperature I guess it will kill me before I can notice. A quick, painless, and rather unique way to die.
Cause of death: "Crushed and burned by Sun's core"
What's the nearest planet with an Earth-like atmosphere? Any particular star clusters that have a higher likelihood of harboring a civilization? If I can go anywhere, I'm taking a gamble and trying to find aliens. Even if I fail to find intelligent life, I'm already at a point where struggling to survive on an alien planet sounds better.
Go to work like normal, open the register, empty it (money is a person item) and vanish forever to rural Japan.
Make sure I teleport to where non one sees it.
Alternatively: teleport to new Zealand, yall know exactly why.
I'd look up and memorize winning lottery numbers, then teleport back two weeks ago. (4-d space!) And then I'd just buy a lotto ticket and chill until my past self becomes my current self, but with lottery money.
So the ISS would probably be the coolest place I could go to but first I'd open up a GPS app on my phone and also set the camera recording so that it could potentially gather interesting data about the teleportation.
Maybe try wingsuit flying or free soloing, knowing that I basically have a get out of jail free card (assuming the teleport doesn't preserve my momentum I guess)
If it allowed me to teleport between dimensions as well, definitely moving to that one parallel Earth where everything is peaceful, prices are cheap, and everything is seemingly perfect (except for the lottery system where a small group of people die if they win in a population control sort of scheme). Don't take a lot of money and your odds of being picked are low.
Though, if it only worked for this world, probably just use it once to get to the kitchen faster at a random time because I can't use it to get to college because of my class schedule. That, and I'm pretty sure my parents would find it suspicious if I suddenly teleported to a store and called either needing a ride or they cannot find me, especially if I don't give them a heads up.
If one doesn't exist then teleport me to where one used to be. Let me see intelligent life. Or at least the remnants of one for a few seconds before I die.
If we teleport to a moving object, can we equalize speeds in relation to it instead of our current reference? If yes, ISS - good luck getting me outta there! If no, I'll mumble "Shenzh/gen" and see if I end up in China or Luxembourg.
Teleport to my road trip destination. My wife can handle the last two hours herself. I'm too risk adverse to carry out a heist or something and that would really mess up our vacation. I'll just go ahead and get the hotel room ready and take a shower.
Can the teleporter interpret intent, and will it take anything I'm currently carrying (like a backpack)? If so, then I'd probably take some time to figure out where I'd like to go (terrestrial or extraterrestrial, inhabited/life complexity, technology level, species appearance (if alien), government style, beliefs, etc) and then have the teleporter send me to the place that most closely matches my vision.
If not, then idk. I'd consider teleporting myself near the event horizon of a black hole, but I'd probably get vaporized the moment I teleported if it didn't come with some kinda invulnerable safety field.
One way, no return trip, but I can get back eventually? I guess I'd teleport to work tomorrow but right when I'm supposed to be there and just act like I'd been there the whole time to see if anyone was confused.
Only one-way? Alright, well I'm gonna go walk Lairig Ghru, a hiking route that I like the look of that is too long for me to do there and back. I'll walk out however far I want to go and then magically teleport back to the start
My mom lives three large states away and has Alzheimer's but is still able to recognize people. She's well cared for, but I'm sole caregiver for my bedbound family member. I'm reconciled to the fact I cannot travel to visit her, but if I could go for just half an hour, I would.
My mom lives three large states away and has Alzheimer's but is still able to recognize people. She's well cared for, but I'm sole caregiver for my bedbound family member. I'm reconciled to the fact I cannot travel to visit her, but if I could go for just half an hour, I would.
That's a lot of limitations. I take my dog every time I leave the house! Maybe cheat and also take my passport :p
That said, probably somewhere like Aus or NZ...
It'd have to be extremely public, preferably during a live broadcast sporting event or something. To generate buzz and news. Hoping that's enough for them to let me stay and make some money :p
Or challenge someone to a race. Or an escape challenge make some money. The problem here I is getting it set up in time.
I guess to work. It takes me 2 days of travelling to get to work and I have to be there. Assuming I can't return via teleporting from the moon or whatever. Just save myself a days travel
"teleport" - How exactly? am I unassembled and reassembled? Or does my body just move there? At light speed? NO THANKS.
What does teleport mean to you? Exactly a me-sized number of atoms shifts places with me?
So I won't burst into flames and leave an explosion where I was?
I end up teleported exactly where I intend to be? Without sight? Without knowledge of that location? In the exact space and time I disappear?