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Chief O'Brien at Work #30 - Battle Stations
  • Can't possibly be the bridge as a whole. When I said "certain sections," I meant, like, every third square centimeter or something. If the entire bridge inertial dampeners were completely offline, our heroic crew wouldn't be jumping madly across the bridge, they'd be a thin paste of organic material on the wall.

    Actually, having individual sections fluctuating could explain some of the wilder dives Kirk & Co did during battle sequences, now that I think about it.

  • Chief O'Brien at Work #30 - Battle Stations
  • Yeah, but they're maneuvering at appreciable fractions of the speed of light when they travel at impulse, so there's no way anyone survives if they're all offline. They have to mean that the primaries are offline, or they're offline in certain sections, or something like that.

  • Chief O'Brien at Work #30 - Battle Stations
  • When you're talking about a ship's capacity that's approaching five digits, that stuff would have to be moved around a lot.

    Foodstuffs from the Conestoga is behind the new sensor package from Starbase 80, but we can't install the sensor package until we get to a drydock, so we have to move it over there and get the ingredients for Thanksgiving out--but we're also supposed to deliver half of the potatoes from the shipment to the Boyle when we pass them at Deep Space Two, so we have to crate them into a separate container, and the stasis container we need for them currently has Vulcan plomeek bulbs in it for a diplomatic function on Tendar IV, so we can't move them over until Wednesday. Meanwhile, in Cargo Bay 2, we literally have a whole entire shuttle that for some reason the commander of the shuttle deck decided just had to be put here, but that means that the restraint units are inaccessible, so we've had to jury-rig some force fields to hold everything together. Plus, because of some sort of requisitions mistake, we got sent a double pallet of PADD-xe's, when what we really needed were PADD-xt's, so that was taking up every spare parts locker and case in Cargo Bay 3 until we could offload them to some environmental observatory or something, but then Lt. Cmdr. La Forge had this weird idea yesterday to pull 250 of them and try to network them together for...something?...and they're still strewn all across the floor since he left to deal with a plasma injector leak yesterday afternoon, so I guess we should put them away? I mean, I don't even know if they're still functional--and THIS is when the Vendorian terrorist leader decides to pull up and have a tentacle-measuring contest? Does he have any idea how busy we are right now? I don't have time to deal with artificial gravity fluctuations or inertial dampener overloads today, I've got potatoes that are about to rot!

  • Chief O'Brien at Work #30 - Battle Stations
  • And when the trauma you're expected to deal with is "run a glowy light over any plasma burns and bring anything else to Dr. Crusher," I think a physical therapist could probably get qualified in a few hours at most.

  • Chief O'Brien at Work #30 - Battle Stations
  • Make sure everything is tied down well and then prep for damage control, probably. Cargo bay officers are probably under the Quartermaster's purview, so there's probably a lot they need to do to support repair efforts.

  • If you were never a "fuck cars" person, hang out near a school
  • We walk our kids to school pretty much every day, and I 100% agree.

    Almost exactly three years ago, at a school about four miles away from ours, a driver killed a seven-year-old girl on her way home from school, and the very next morning a driver ignored the signal and cut me off as I was trying to walk my own kids across the street. In the next couple of months, a city ordinance meant to improve pedestrian safety was shot down by the state because it was "anti-car." Since then, any efforts at traffic calming around schools has been slow-rolled and ignored at pretty much every opportunity. Car dismissal is prioritized at our kids' school (we've actively had to go inside and pluck our kids out of the car line at the beginning of every school year so far because they don't pay attention), bus dismissal gets second place, and this is the first year that the crossing guard has been there every day.

    Literally the only positive thing that we've seen around our school is that they've reduced the road from two (very thin) lanes in each direction to only one; that has helped tremendously, but even just this morning a driver who wasn't paying attention almost hit the crossing guard as we were about to step out into the street.

    I am shaking with rage even thinking about it right now. The situation is dire out there, and our elected officials are doing worse than nothing. Our school administrators are making it worse.

    Talk about radicalizing. I want to start slashing tires.

  • Reddit Logging in with Google Accounts Automatically
  • Yep. The "always open in container tab" gets a little fidgety because Reddit uses a whole bunch of different domains (some of which it only flips to for an instant while redirecting elsewhere), so it takes a bit of work, but I've been able to successfully silo off Reddit, Xwitter, Meta, etc. into their own distinct containers that are independent of everything else I do.

  • Marques Brownlee says ‘I hear you’ after fans criticize his new wallpaper app
  • I just dont like cases and take the risk. Phones are nicer looking without.

    No doubt, but I don't have that kind of cash to burn on the aesthetics.

    Neither is a good split, he is charging as much as spotify for content he did not create and keeping half.

    Hosting and maintaining an application actually has some pretty non-trivial cost associated with it. If it's half of revenue, then MKBHD actually isn't taking very much at all.

  • Marques Brownlee says ‘I hear you’ after fans criticize his new wallpaper app
  • I dont know what the sticky hands comment means.

    I'm not brave enough to use my phone without a case, because I know I'll drop it. Either you're braver than me, richer than me, or you have better grip than me.

    Fifty fifty is what MKB said was the split, which is a predatory figure.

    50% of the revenue or 50% of the profit? Because if they're paying the artists first and footing the bill for hosting the app out of the other 50%, that's a pretty good deal.

  • Marques Brownlee says ‘I hear you’ after fans criticize his new wallpaper app
  • Im not rich and I use my phone without a case

    I guess you could also have fairly sticky hands.

    and watch some of those reviews.

    Yeah, sometimes I do too, if only for the novelty of it. But they're certainly not for us.

    The app is a bad idea with a bad deal for artists.

    Citation needed. Do you have any data on the app's profit share structure? Because at the price they're charging, if they're passing on a decent share of it to the artists, it sounds like it's not a bad gig.

  • If Scotty, Geordi, O'Brien, Torres, and Trip were each tasked with providing medical care who would perform the best?
  • I've seen some great answers to the question as asked. I want to also toss the new-Trek engineers in there: Stamets, Billups, Jankom, and Pelia.

    • Jankom would be awful. Terrible bedside manner and a predilection for percussive maintenance do not make for good medical outcomes.

    • Billups would likely not do well either. Granted, we don't know much about him, but it seems like he's a competent but not outstanding chief engineer (let's face it, that's kinda the point of the show).

    • Stamets would freak. He would repeatedly note that it's actually his husband who's the doctor. But he'd probably end up doing a decent job.

    • Pelia has the distinct advantage of centuries of experience in her favor. It's entirely possible that she was a doctor at one point.

    And, honorable mentions:

    • Hemmer would probably shock everyone by being amazing at the job. He would probably show some unexpected advantages to being blind as a doctor.

    • Jett Reno actually did this scenario, in her first episode.

  • 2FA after recent update

    I had 2FA enabled for before the big update this past weekend, and when I logged out/in this morning I discovered that 2FA had been turned off for my account. I've got it turned back on and I think it's working now, but just a heads up that if you had 2FA enabled you might need to re-enable it.

    Messages for Android Beta scheduled send broken

    In the latest Messages for Android Beta, scheduled send is broken due to a date validation bug. It won't let you schedule messages after today's date number in any month. So, for instance, today's date is 29 November, 2023; it won't allow any messages to be scheduled in December unless they're scheduled on the 29th, 30th, or 31st. Also, it won't allow any messages to be scheduled in 2024, for what I assume are similar reasons.

    Reverting to the latest stable version fixes it and allows messages to be scheduled for any future date.


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