I kinda hope it's like a movie about the literal origin of Star Trek as a television show. At this point, I feel like that would have a better chance of actually getting made then anything set in universe.
This is an idea I ran by a fellow Trekkie awhile ago. An "Ed Wood" like movie about the behind the scenes of TOS. Satirize it from a place of love, focus on the drama between the cast and the antagonism between the studio and Gene. Quality movie material!
Looking around online, further rumors seem to lean towards it being a Federation origin film.
That would put us in ENT era, but I don't see them following the existing canon. Maybe following a non-Enterprise ship to recruit an early but non-founding planet. The origin in this case being about how the Federation first expanded.
The other option could be picking up right after First Contact. How mankind adapts to learning about the Vulcans.
I just don't see either of those films getting greenlit.
Oh great, another recast of the TOS crew, but they're all preteens hijacking a spaceship and fighting preteen Romulans together? Also, they form this deep and meaningful bond that has to be reset/memory wiped by the end of the movie yet somehow steer them onto a shared future?
the movie is just a long take of a young James T. Kirk driving a convertible while listening to the Beastie Boys. The movie ends as he drives it into a canyon.