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anyone else agree this episode had no right to be as scary at it was
  • I don't blame you, it's very disturbing!

  • What is the best closing scene in the entire Star Trek Franchise, and why is it Kirk, Spock, and Bones singing "Row, Row, Row Your Boat"?
  • That all said I do love how in everyone's free time they're all growing and relaxing in healthy ways like sports, painting, learning an instrument or putting on a play.

  • Creator Of PS1 Emulator DuckStation Threatens To "Shut The Whole Thing Down" Following License Change
  • Absolutely and I will be the first to offer praise. Honestly, I think the fact that FOSS devs trend weird and neurotic is not because of anything special with Open Source but because the non-neurotic ones are pulling down 300K salaries at Google. If big tech wasn't absorbing all of their employees mental capacity many of them would be doing FOSS for fun.

  • Exposing The Flaw In Our Phone System - YouTube
  • I see, I wasn't comparing an article to a video, I was comparing a video to a text summary of the same video.

  • What are good harddrives to use with servers
  • Those are great drives but I would not want one of those in the room where I sleep haha

  • Creator Of PS1 Emulator DuckStation Threatens To "Shut The Whole Thing Down" Following License Change
  • This is not the emulation community per-se, but what happened to Near was absolutely heartbreaking.

    Open source devs are often difficult, single-minded, and poorly socialized, people, but the entitlement from users is enough to make anyone go insane.

  • Exposing The Flaw In Our Phone System - YouTube
  • We seem to agree that actually eating real food at a greasy spoon is preferable to reading a description of the dining experience offered at the Ritz. But your replies give me the impression we disagree?

  • Artificial Life Forms of the Quadrants Unite!
  • I don't have a ton of praise for PIC Season 1, but I found disturbing the number of people we would see on /r/StarTrek saying the problem with it was that the synths weren't discriminated against enough.

  • Exposing The Flaw In Our Phone System - YouTube
  • Exactly! Why go to the first restaurant (video) at all if you don't like the experience? You're really going to wait outside the door of the first one asking the people leaving what the food tastes like? How is that better than the restaurant (videos) you do like?

  • Exposing The Flaw In Our Phone System - YouTube
  • It's a creative work, you are talking about Veritasium as if it he's reading out a written a security bulletin on camera.

  • Exposing The Flaw In Our Phone System - YouTube
  • A menu is not a creative work it's a means to convey information. Veritasium is not reading wikipedia articles on screen, he's creating an original work.

    Listen I am not criticizing how you choose to enjoy your time I just find the entire concept of finding the experience of reading a text summary to be more to be more rewarding than experiencing the thing itself to be alien.

  • Exposing The Flaw In Our Phone System - YouTube
  • What feels alien to me is the idea that experiencing a creative work is itself a means to an end.

    I prefer to digest text too, but still would choose to taste a meal than read a typed up printout of the flavors it contains.

  • Exposing The Flaw In Our Phone System - YouTube
  • when I read comments like these it makes me realize that maybe all the money flowing to OpenAI isn't folly and there really are people out there trying to tl;dr their own lives

  • Just for a moment
  • Yep! Just search for Stage9. I think this is the latest version.

  • Just for a moment
  • Joke's on you I'd be into that

  • Just for a moment
  • The torrent is still available and easy to find!

  • Can anyone help explain "Dot and Bubble" to me? (spoilers obv)

    For most of this episode I thought it was a good (if a bit on-the-nose) commentary about our societal distraction sickness and everyone living literally in a bubble. The hero was someone who literally able to walk on his own two legs, etc. But once they went underground everything kind of went loopy?

    Where did the slug monsters come from? The idea that they came from "outside the (city's) bubble" kind of reinforced the idea that it's dangerous to hide from what's scary. But then we see the homeworld was also eaten destroyed by the same slug-monsters? If the slugs are controlled or created by the dots, are we meant to understand that the people of the home world are similarly walking around in bubbles? If so, then why does Finetime exist? The whole premise of an off-world "perfect" colony seemed to imply they were providing some service to the home-worlders beyond their 2 hours of "work". Why would a society of people living in bubbles send their youth to a faraway planet?

    Then we see that the dots are capable of quickly killing the inhabitants. So where did the slug monsters come from? Why did the dots not just kill zippoty zop? Were the slugs obeying the dots alphabetical order parameters? Were they created by the dots?

    At this point I was like "whatever it's Doctor Who, the plots are never as consistent as the vibes!" But then the vibes changed completely when it's revealed everyone is racist?!

    My best guess is that this is some bungled way of comparing the people of Finetime to our modern social problem with radicalization on social media, like "look beyond yourself man" but that feels a bit of a stretch. I feel like I'm missing something big here!

    Theory: The EMH in "Academy" is going to be the copy from "Living Witness"

    Until Disco S3, "Living witness" was the furthest future we had seen in Star Trek. But Academy takes place after Discovery. At the end of "Living Witness" the Doctor is described as heading towards Earth.

    Assuming the burn didn't get them, it's entirely possible two EMHs are surviving in Discovery's time. I think it would be a fun twist if it wasn't the EMH we expect!

    The "Friendship is Universal" poster from SDCC

    This was mentioned elsewhere but I thought it was cool enough to deserve it's own post. The artist is Dusty Abell and they are selling copies on their website here:

    Help us finish the Canvas!

    Link to location:

    Corgana Corgana

    /r/StarTrek founder and primary steward from 2008-2021

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