Ugh, I saw that video once, cringed and moved on. I don't understand why this was passed around so much. But good for her for playing the game. I woulda buried my head in the sand if I went viral for bragging about my awesome schmowshem sloppy toppies
People say her podcast is actually good. I don't know, I haven't listened to it, but if so, then she is playing the game with decidedly more skill than just one 5-second video clip.
Honestly, I back the hustle. Even catch me outside chick. If that gets you ahead, fair does. Men have been espousing far more damaging rhetoric and making a buck. Go for it. Disclaimer: I've not listened to her podcast so she could be a Nazi for all I know. But young people, cost of living - if it works and it's not hurting you or the community, then go for it.
Sure, but who would have thought it would blow up. She was just drunk and spouting shit, and I reckon the next day didn't even remember saying anything
it can be both. who wouldn't want, at least for a while, inurement from financial consequences. And those that have it also still want to retain it. Mimetic desire or not, it is still desired by those who have or have not.
The only reason to frame not wanting to suffer as bad is if you want to inflict that suffering
Anon discovers that life often isn't all that fair...
Being smart and hardworking can bolster your odds, but your lot in life really boils down to how lucky you are, and how well equipped you are to capitalise on that luck.
Unfortunately the right combination of extreme luckiness and ability to capitalise on it doesn't come up all that often, so most people simply won't ever get that lucky break.
life isn't fair, but this isn't life. it's the system put in place by people. chalking it up to life not being fair is complicity.
life isn't fair that someone may be born with a lifelong disease, or they may get one later. can't do anything about that. economic fairness is something we can change.
BTW I never understood why she became popular, it wasn't that interesting or funny... but I have nothing against her capitalizing on an opportunity. she was suddenly put in the spotlight but she hasn't grifted her way there. doesn't hurt anyone. good for her. my comment isn't about her but meritocracy in general.
The economic system is as big apart of my life as the chronic medical issues I was born with. Don't know how your life functions without regards to the economy. It has been easier to get medical intervention on my medical issues, than to get society to make the economy fair. Human behavior is part of life, these abstract systems we create are a direct result of that.
of course extreme luck can be replaced by inherited wealth and daddies' connections and suddenly we are looking at a super star who would under average room temperature conditions would only make it to local news
Explain this to me. Do you mean that 51% doesn't include a large share of the 79% of Americans who say the country is on the wrong track? Has been for, oh, the last four years? Perhaps if the 49% had got their way instead it would have abolished capitalism and absurd celebrities somehow? As opposed to reinforcing the status quo?
There's nothing to abandon the alt right for. If the democrats decided to run on a platform that was even remotely progressive, do literally anything for worker's rights, they'd win a lot of disenfranchised voters. Obama won, and that's not because all of a sudden, just for a moment, America wasn't racist. No, it was because he promised to solve one of the problems that's killing Americans in every stratum: healthcare. Instead, we get fracker and border wall builder Harris.
Damn, [an attractive] person made a bunch of money by saying something amusing on camera? That’s crazy bro. Probably the first time that’s ever happened.
Of course luck plays a factor and you miss 100% of the shots you don't take. Dont put words of bootstrap BS in my mouth when i never said it. I said entrepreneurial spirit. As in she took her lucky hand and did something with it.