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  • Yes, I assume very confusing for foreigners.

    Maybe “big” Orbán is hoping that when the time comes, the inernational assassin accidentally shoots the other one, so he’s keeping him around.

    Also, it would be very funny to have one day Peter Hungarian as the Hungarian Prime Minister.

  • World's longest-serving death row inmate acquitted in Japan
  • ACAB

    This is why every sane person should be against death sentence. Yes, some people would deserve it, but police and attorneys misuse the system and kill innocent people, which happened multiple times in a lot of countries.

  • Assassin's Creed Shadows delayed to February 14, 2025, abandoning season pass strategy, Steam launch day 1, and more
  • Same, I couldn’t even finish watching a 10 min review, it was so boring. When I went to pick up Space Marines 2 in a big store, it was full of SW Outlaws discs. I picked up the last SM2, and Astro Bot was already sold out, so people were happy to buy games, just not this one.

  • Entire HR Team Fired After Manager Uses His Own Resume To Prove Their System Is Auto-Rejecting All Candidates
  • In my previous role I was leading a department, constantly needing to hire people. After some terrible initial experience, I didn’t let HR touch any of the CVs in the system, nor give a call to anybody, I started doing evertyhing myself. I was much faster in hiring than my peers, and good candidates also responded much better to a manager calling them. It takes effort, but shortens hiring time and improves the process a lot. There are of course limits, I was doing this for 1-3 open positions at a time, no manager could do it for 10, and I also had experience in recruitment myself.

    Unless they have a dedicated HR person for a department/area that really learns the business and specializes, they are not going to be able to help hiring much.

  • Zelenskyy inspects Dunder Mifflin's new artillery division
  • Credibility alert:

    I understand they are probably tired and underpaid, but I can’t even begin to imagine the pride that one must feel, when the president of the country their work is saving shakes their oily hands in the middle of a shift. What they do every day has a real (although by itself small) impact on world history.

  • Managed to grab a PS Portal yesterday, and it's performing better than I expected

    I was debating if I want to buy one, but after trying that remote play worked well with a tablet on my home wifi, I took a leap of faith and ordered one of the last ones nearby. Picked it up yesterday.

    Key points:

    -Very satisfied with the performance so far, no noticable lag on home wifi. Finished Spider-Man 2 and beat the final boss on it, also tried some shooters, no issues with lag in single player games on my 500 Mbit network (meaning: maybe a partial second of stutter every 5-10 mins).

    -So much smoother experience than using e.g. my tablet with a controller. Just pick it up, press 2 buttons, and you can play in a few seconds.

    -The screen is also better than expected. 8 inches is super big for a handheld, around the size of the iPad mini. Very immersive, when playing. Colors are also great, and I’m saying that as an owner of an LG OLED TV. Of course an OLED screen would have been probably better, but also more expensive, and the resolution is still better than most handhelds giving us a great picture.

    -The controller grips are very comfortable for even a longer session. The haptic feedback and trigger resistance feels just like the controller we are used to.

    -The missing BT is annoying if you have a good headset (I don’t), but I understand the concerns with delay, though I have no personal experience on that.

    -The only time connection became bad, is when downloading a game/update on my PS5 while playing, it even completely dropped once. Very annoying if you want to run an update in the background, but also not a dealbreaker, you can just run updates in rest mode.

    -The price is fine, payed 219 EUR for it. I would like it a bit lower, but still okay with it (understanding the privilege that I can waste this money on something that is far from a necessity). I would not want to pay the price of a “proper” handheld for a controller with a screen.

    TV Too High slaacaa
    TV too... everything
    Thank you Steve Huffman for curing my reddit addiction!

    I stopped using reddit when Apollo went down, and 2-3 hours of scrolling and active posting in some niche subs turned into ~30 mins of Lemmy per day, which I find much more healthy.

    I didn’t start doing yoga, painting, or a side business, just feel much better having cut back the last big pillar of my social media addiction.

    So thanks Steve!

    (If it’s not too much to ask, please take a look at how you could improve instagram, you could save another 15 minute of my day)

    Magyarország belebukott a gyorshajtók elleni küzdelembe Magyarország belebukott a gyorshajtók elleni küzdelembe

    Amikor ilyen nagy sebességgel ütközik össze két autó a rendőrpalota közelében, logikusnak tűnik a rendőrségre fogni a tragédiát. Valójában az a felelős, aki nem fizeti meg őket, nem szórta tele traffipaxokkal az országot, és nem emelte meg a nevetségesen alacsony gyorshajtási bírságokat.

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