Found a screenshot of my final comment in r/cth minutes before the ban
Found a screenshot of my final comment in r/cth minutes before the ban
Found a screenshot of my final comment in r/cth minutes before the ban
and then we migrated (or at least i did) to /moretankiechapo. and i appreciate that they made fun of us using them as a lifeboat and said "read theory libs"
"read theory libs"
And then I did and have probably read more in the past 4 years than most of them ever did lol
Obligatory plug for the Rodney-Yellow Thunder online library provided by Chunka Luta Network
/r/TheDeprogram and /r/communismmemes are pretty dope most of the time.
It must be getting dusty in here, comrade.
true. when was cth banned again? anyone remember?
June 29th 2020, according to wikipedia. Tracks with my memory, since opened about a month later on the 25th or 26th of July.
The slave owners should’ve been killed lol
Feels kinda sad I was never on r/cth, but glad I found this place half a year ago