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Right wing commentator, Ben Shapiro pictured at the Barbie movie wearing all black, frowning and holding a stack of angry notes he took during the movie.

My producers dragged me to see 'Barbie' and it was one of the most woke movies have ever seen. My ful review of this flaming garbage heap of a film will be out on my YouTube channel tomorrow at 10am ET.

I normally post news on here but this picture is legit hilarious. Mods feel free to delete if not appropriate 😹

  • An hour+ long toy ad from a multinational corporation is "woke"... oookie-dookie...

  • He's best left ignored. Every time somebody brings him up or makes fun of him it sustains him. May he be forgotten.

  • He paid to see it, and I’m not going to read his notes. Wins all around except for Ben himself.

  • Meanwhile I will be wearing my pink "Bad Guy" Vegeta shirt and cracking jokes with my friends AFTER the movie, like a true American.

  • Just because you're built like a tween doesn't make you the target audience Benny boy.

  • He really shaps my ass. In fact, Shap IS an ass.

    You talkin' 'bout Shap?
    He's bad, and a mother-
    No, please, continue.

  • Admittedly, I can enjoy watching some of his interviews. But I don't understand why he drags himself to do stuff like this, that neither he, nor anyone else should give a shit about.

    Even if it's a steaming pile of Hollywoods idea of Woke, what movie isn't at this point? Margot Robbie has been carrying that cross for Hollywood since at least Suicide Squad.

    I have no love for either. It's so damn nonconstructive.