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  • Of books I've finished, The Da Vinci Code. It's been a long time since I read it, so I can't recall specifics but I do remember the moment to moments of the plot being contrived and stupid, and the writing to be bland and simplistic.

    The only reason I read it was I was stuck somewhere without a book and I found a copy of The Da Vinci code that had fallen behind a shelf. I figured it was super popular so there must be something to it as I slogged through.

  • "De Grote Zaal" by Jacoba van Velde. For school we had to read many books. In the earlier years this could be anything as long as it was Dutch, so translated versions of English books were fine. I could read stuff like Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, etc. However, at some point the requirements shifted, and we were only allowed to read Dutch (non-translated) works of literature. This shit single-handedly killed all my fun in reading. Dry books about old people or about the war.

    "De Grote Zaal" is the one that I remember the most. It's a short book, but it goes pretty much nowhere and doesn't at all speak to the imagination of a teen guy. To me it represents the death of reading as a hobby. I've tried to pick up reading again, but it has since been replaced by other things and I just don't make the time for it anymore.

  • Runes of the Earth by Stephen R. Donaldson. Couldn't even finish it. Loved some of his earlier books, which I read when I was much younger. Not sure if he changed or if I did. But what I read of Runes was truly awful.

    • Not sure if he changed or if I did.

      Typically it is you who has changed. Many things we remember fondly doesn't hold up when we go back again.

      • Maybe. But in this case, two decades had passed since he'd written the previous book in the series.

  • Controversial opinion but Don Quixote, so fucking long and boring, had a horrible time trying to get through it for class