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How do I know if a medical issue should be addressed by a Clinic Visit, Urgent Care, or the Emergency Room?
  • There's a hospital very close to my house. Less than 2 minutes away.

    Twice we've driven there (the person driving did not have the issue in question). Both times it turned out ok, but everyone at the hospital felt the need to lecture us that we "really should have called for an ambulance".

    I said wow, you guys really want that $2,000 taxi fare for nothing.

    There are definitely times when you should call for an ambulance. But it enrages me when you know it's only about the fucking money, but they give you the concerned sanctimony attitude.

  • What can I do with US$10K that is a good investment?
  • If you don't have an emergency fund, I would put some or all of it into something like a money market account. It won't grow very much, but it's safe and is quick and easy to withdraw when needed.

    Otherwise depends on your age and situation, but an index fund (S&P 500) is almost always the right choice. It's flexible, doesn't usually lock you in, and will generally do very well in the mid-to-long term. If we hit a recession you might get stuck holding the shares for several months to a few years. The last thing you want to do is panic sell in that situation.

    If you have any debt, paying that down is a very smart move, especially if the debt is charging more interest than your investment can earn. Future you will thank you.

  • Was the creation of the universe politically motivated or was it done for other reasons?
  • As much as I despise Scott Adams, I did think his thought experiment about a bored god blowing itself up to create the universe was kind of funny/clever. He probably stole it from some ancient mythos.

  • Do you pronounce "Data" as "Day-ta" or "Dah-ta"?
  • Datorade, because relentless 21st century advertising has put worms in my brain.

  • Sleep Conditions [Sarah's Scribbles]
  • The cat and the vamp are both nocturnal, so this works.

    My old cat would be doing parkour on my face and the headboard all night.

  • If there was a movie that represented you the most, what would it be?
  • Office Space minus the happy ending.

  • Remember That DNA You Gave 23andMe?
  • 23 Data Miners and Me.

  • Why is space 2 dimensional?
  • Space itself is 3-dimensional (or 4-d if you include time....and even higher dimensional orders if you want to get into deeper theories).

    The reason almost all solar systems (including our own) are relatively flat, or disk-shaped, is because of the way solar systems are formed. Solar systems start as large clouds of gas and dust which coalesce into orbiting objects. The gas, dust, and objects "flatten out" as they spin around the central star because of the physics (conservation of angular momentum).

    So even though the planets, asteroids, etc, in our solar system are all mostly moving along a relatively flat plane, the surrounding space is not 2-dimensional. Our planets also vary in how flat their orbits are. For example, Mercury's orbit has a tilt of about 7 degrees from flat.

  • Opinions on Stephen King
  • Yup!

  • Do you donate money? How, why, why not?
  • Yup. Be aware that if you do donate money you'll get bombarded with snail mail, email, texts, and phone calls for the rest of your days. I don't say this to discourage anyone from being charitable. Just be ready for that. Politicians are the most aggressive about it.

  • Opinions on Stephen King
  • Years ago I went through a phase of reading his books one after the other. I devoured several of them and had a great time reading. Then I kind of hit a wall with it and haven't read him since. I still like him, and will read more at some point. But I sort of overdosed on it. I needed to branch out, read other writers, and take an extended hiatus from King. But it was fun to binge on it.

    I loved the Dark Tower, but it's a slog. And he did one thing in that series that made me roll my eyes. But overall it's a masterpiece. I won't spoil the one dumb thing, but anyone who's read it probably knows what I'm talking about. (I'm not talking about the ending. Some people HATE the ending, but it made sense to me once I thought about it.)

    His big hits are all big hits for a reason. Some book snobs look down on him, but if you like fantasy and horror, you can ignore the critics. He writes engaging stories in a well-honed style, not high falutin' literature.

  • What candy flavors are always cast but are never the star?
  • Ha! Yes, we have various fruity flavors of "licorice" in the US. In an attempt to avoid confusion we sometimes call it black licorice. We sometimes spell it properly, liquorice.

  • What candy flavors are always cast but are never the star?
  • Licorice jelly beans and gum drops are somewhat popular.

  • What candy flavors are always cast but are never the star?
  • Some iffy candidates:

    • root beer
    • black licorice
    • grape
  • Why isn't apple a popular ice cream flavor?
  • That's a bummer. I have noticed products like that will often vanish. Or drop dramatically in quality when they swap out quality ingredients for cheaper ones.

  • Why isn't apple a popular ice cream flavor?
  • Profits are fine. Have you not been paying attention to skimplflation, CEO bonuses, etc? That's the min-max mindset I'm talking about here.

  • TIL about hair traps

    I feel like an idiot for not knowing about these.

    Every 2-3 months I have to snake out our shower drain with a 25' snake. Giant PITA.

    After some web searches, I stumbled across these hair trap devices. They come in both external and internal configurations. Many different types to choose from.

    I purchased an internal one, installed it, and am going to give it a try. In theory I can just pop it out and clean it instead of snaking the pipes. Folks tell me they work well. If this one doesn't work I'll try another type. They are fairly inexpensive.

    I want an AI TV that blocks all forms of advertising.

    We mostly watch news and sports in my house. So unfortunately, live TV. Occasionally we watch other things. I mute the commercials and browse my phone when they're on.

    But I would love a TV that is smart enough to auto hide & mute every kind of ad. Even little logos on the athletes' uniforms. Hide the ads on the pitcher's mound. Hide the billboards and signs in the stadium. Show some cool little generic animation, music video, or slide show during commercial breaks. Hide the damned popup window ads and scrolling ads that some channels do. Remove product placements from movies and shows. Basically make all ads completely vanish.

    Is a detection-proof ad blocker theoretically possible?

    Not asking for tech support here, just wondering if in theory it would be possible to create a plug-in or even a complete browser that blocks ads in a way that's impossible to detect. One model that comes to mind is a quarantined / containerized non-blocking virtual browser which queries the web server directly, then the UX filters the content from that container and presents it to the user ad-free. As far as the web server can tell, the containerized browser is just vanilla Chromium.

    [Solved] Amazon Web Services (AWS) - multiple MFAs with root? You can now assign multiple MFA devices in IAM | Amazon Web Services

    At Amazon Web Services (AWS), security is our top priority, and configuring multi-factor authentication (MFA) on accounts is an important step in securing your organization. Now, you can add multiple MFA devices to AWS account root users and AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) users in your AWS...

    You can now assign multiple MFA devices in IAM | Amazon Web Services

    Has anybody gotten this to work? If I set up multiple MFA devices with my IAM accounts, they all work flawlessly. But if I set up multiple MFA devices with my root account, only the original MFA device works. No matter how carefully I set up and synch a secondary device, it simply will not work with root. As the linked article says, this should be possible with either root or IAM (though in the past this was not the case). Thanks.

    Boozilla Boozilla
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