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What is the largest file transfer you have ever done?

I'm writing a program that wraps around dd to try and warn you if you are doing anything stupid. I have thus been giving the man page a good read. While doing this, I noticed that dd supported all the way up to Quettabytes, a unit orders of magnitude larger than all the data on the entire internet.

This has caused me to wonder what the largest storage operation you guys have done. I've taken a couple images of hard drives that were a single terabyte large, but I was wondering if the sysadmins among you have had to do something with e.g a giant RAID 10 array.

  • I obviously downloaded a car after seeing that obnoxious anti-piracy ad.

  • I worked at a niche factory some 20 years ago. We had a tape robot with 8 tapes at some 200GB each. It'd do a full backup of everyone's home directories and mailboxes every week, and incremental backups nightly.

    We'd keep the weekly backups on-site in a safe. Once a month I'd do a run to another plant one town over with a full backup.

    I guess at most we'd need five tapes. If they still use it, and with modern tapes, it should scale nicely. Today's LTO-tapes are 18TB. Driving five tapes half an hour would give a nice bandwidth of 50GB/s. The bottleneck would be the write speed to tape at 400MB/s.

  • Today I've migrated my data from my old zfs pool to a new bigger one, the rsync of 13.5TiB took roughly 18 hours. It's slow spinning disks storage so that's fine.

    The second and third runs of the same rsync took like 5 seconds, blazing fast.

  • I think 16 terabytes? Might have been twelve. I was consolidating a bunch of old drives and data into a nas for a friend. He just didn't have the time, between working and school and brought me all the hardware and said "go" lol.

  • i've transferred 10's of ~300 GB files via manual rsyncs. it was a lot of binary astrophysical data, most of which was noise. eventually this was replaced by an automated service that bypassed local firewalls with internet-based transfers and aws stuff.

  • Local file transfer?

    I cloned a 1TB+ system a couple of times.

    As the Anaconda installer of Fedora Atomic is broken (yes, ironic) I have one system originally meant for tweaking as my "zygote" and just clone, resize, balance and rebase that for new systems.

    Remote? 10GB MicroWin 11 LTSC IOT ISO, the least garbage that OS can get.

    Also, some leaked stuff 50GB over Bittorrent

  • 340GB, more than a million small files (10KB or less each one). It took like one week to move because the files were stored in a hard drive and it was struggling to read that many files.

  • I routinely do 1-4TB images of SSDs before making major changes to the disk. Run fstrim on all partitions and pipe dd output through zstd before writing to disk and they shrink to actually used size or a bit smaller. Largest ever backup was probably ~20T cloned from one array to another over 40/56GbE, the deltas after that were tiny by comparison.